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Anthony #2 has no class.


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This is why I don't sell shit ever. It goes right to good will, or donated to habitat for humanity/etc, and I write off on taxes. I don't buy used shit either. I realize it makes more sense for some people to buy used shit---this is part of the experience. Deal with it.




Im too rich to not buy brand new shit, buying used items is for the poor. Ha! I would never sell my wk old 65in HDTV, Id rather give it to the poor. I DONT DEAL WITH BEING UNDERSOLD, IM FUCKING RICH!!!!





I want your life.

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Im too rich to not buy brand new shit, buying used items is for the poor. Ha! I would never sell my wk old 65in HDTV, Id rather give it to the poor. I DONT DEAL WITH BEING UNDERSOLD, IM FUCKING RICH!!!!





I want your life.



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1) capitalism is a bitch, cash is king, yadda yadda is all correct in the most technical sense


2) Jerrod is a guy I've done business with a couple times and has always been straightforward, willing to drive quite a distance to help, and has never not done what he'd said he'd do, so I can understand his frustration. I'd be frustrated in his shoes as well.


3) while I can understand the seller's desire to help a friend, one would think a CR Sponsor would be a bit more concerned with how his business ethos is viewed on a forum like this.

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1) capitalism is a bitch, cash is king, yadda yadda is all correct in the most technical sense


2) Jerrod is a guy I've done business with a couple times and has always been straightforward, willing to drive quite a distance to help, and has never not done what he'd said he'd do, so I can understand his frustration. I'd be frustrated in his shoes as well.


3) while I can understand the seller's desire to help a friend, one would think a CR Sponsor would be a bit more concerned with how his business ethos is viewed on a forum like this.


Really? Do you feel that his personal items that he posts for sale are a reflection of himself of his company? If so, maybe you should go through this thread again. More people stand up for that Italian chach cake because he has proven his work and himself on multiple occasions. No one is pulling their business from him because one insignificant peon on a car forum didnt get a $100 washer.

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Really? Do you feel that his personal items that he posts for sale are a reflection of himself of his company? If so, maybe you should go through this thread again. More people stand up for that Italian chach cake because he has proven his work and himself on multiple occasions. No one is pulling their business from him because one insignificant peon on a car forum didnt get a $100 washer.


I judge people on how they act when they have nothing to lose by doing the wrong thing. It's easy to do right and not wrong when you have lots to lose by doing wrong, it's much harder to do the right thing when you have nothing extra to gain by doing so and nothing to lose by doing wrong.


EDIT: I realize it's all about perspective; to the guy who got the washer, the seller absolutely did right. But again, it's quite easy to help a friend and screw a stranger. Quite a bit harder to explain to a friend that you had an agreement with a stranger and that you plan on keeping your word.

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Im too rich to not buy brand new shit, buying used items is for the poor. Ha! I would never sell my wk old 65in HDTV, Id rather give it to the poor. I DONT DEAL WITH BEING UNDERSOLD, IM FUCKING RICH!!!!





I want your life.




i'm in the middle of remodeling our house, building an addition. so we're having to get rid of all the old stuff----appliances, siding, kitchen cabinets, etc etc etc. i don't have the patience to be put into a situation similar to the seller in this case---when you're buying used shit, the only time you can assume the product is yours, is when you show up with cash in hand.


people who buy used shit can be flaky as hell--that's just the way it is.

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i'm in the middle of remodeling our house, building an addition. so we're having to get rid of all the old stuff----appliances, siding, kitchen cabinets, etc etc etc. i don't have the patience to be put into a situation similar to the seller in this case---when you're buying used shit, the only time you can assume the product is yours, is when you show up with cash in hand.


people who buy used shit can be flaky as hell--that's just the way it is.


I'll take all of your donations.

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Dear Anthony #2,


I would like to sincerely thank you for the washer, it was a great washer that did a wonderful job getting my clothes cleaned. However I have decided that this is not the model washer that I really wanted, so I have traded it for a set of 317 heads. As it would turn out the heads were kind of an impulse thing (I really had no use for them) so I traded them to a bum on the street for a half eaten taco that he said he had found in the trash. That was the best $100 I have ever spent.



Your good friend.

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I judge people on how they act when they have nothing to lose by doing the wrong thing. It's easy to do right and not wrong when you have lots to lose by doing wrong, it's much harder to do the right thing when you have nothing extra to gain by doing so and nothing to lose by doing wrong.


EDIT: I realize it's all about perspective; to the guy who got the washer, the seller absolutely did right. But again, it's quite easy to help a friend and screw a stranger. Quite a bit harder to explain to a friend that you had an agreement with a stranger and that you plan on keeping your word.


Just so I'm clear, you are saying that because The Gray decided that he had no $ in hand, and made a decision with his personal items to sell else where, that he did the wrong thing in the eyes of the "Potential" buyer?"


What i feel the "Potential" buyer" is missing in the grand scheme of things is that, irl there is no such thing as DIBS. If you are not the 1st person to bring the funds, you are sol. Especially in a situation of personal sales. Sadly the customer service exp wont be there, but I dont think The Gray gives a shit due to his low supply of appliances.

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i'm in the middle of remodeling our house, building an addition. so we're having to get rid of all the old stuff----appliances, siding, kitchen cabinets, etc etc etc. i don't have the patience to be put into a situation similar to the seller in this case---when you're buying used shit, the only time you can assume the product is yours, is when you show up with cash in hand.


people who buy used shit can be flaky as hell--that's just the way it is.



you know what, I can totally make you a deal that you would love. I can live in your 5 story garage, keep all the cars warm & detailed, this way you wont have to clutter your brain w/ the small deets. I got this, I just need the keys to said cars, and a company card to put gas in the cars as needed.

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