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man...doesn't sound like a good deal at all...i hate PS controllers and the button configs. Always drove me back to Xbox (I know you can get the trigger extensions to make it like XB, but still was not the same). Like it or not MS is still a powerhouse and these game companies will end up playing ball. These companies are still very dependent on MS sales (as well as Sony) so I do not see anyone rebelling right now.
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The thing is, the game companies are the ones driving the whole used game thing. So some people are afraid that MS accepting and implementing these policies will lead to the game companies wanting Sony to do the same.


I think it's funny that Sony's "reveal" showed almost nothing and got a lot of crap for it. MS' reveal showed everything (at least as it pertains to the console - saved almost all game stuff for E3) and now, not knowing a ton about the PS4, it is the savior.


Also, as far as controllers are concerned, it looked like the DS4 had some kind of trigger thing going on.




So that's promising if everyone does end up moving over to PS4.

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i HATE this crap coming out of Microsoft!

the only thing i have not seen posted or talked about is that Sony may very well be doing the EXACT SAME THING. we will probably find out next week. my $ is on the fact that these game companies are going to make money from used game sales from Microsoft. You think they are NOT going to demand this of Sony as well?

if Sony does not follow suit i will have to jump ship to them.

if they both do this, i will be buying a new video card instead of another console!

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I try to keep an open mind with DRM stuff. I used to pirate games all the time in high school and college when dropping $60 was not a realistic option. When the games turned out to be good and memorable, I made a mental note. Now that I'm financially independent and stable, I've made it a point to try to go back and buy all the games I pirated that weren't total crap. At this point in my life, DRM in terms of making sure games aren't pirated doesn't bother me.


However, this whole X1 fiasco is a real put-off. I have a PS3 and an 360. My 360 isn't plugged in to the internet, I don't have a Gold subscription, and I only use it for my used copies of Forza 4, Red Dead Redemption, and Undead Nightmare, all 3 of which were purchased as 2ndhand copies, and none of which require me to plug in a Kinect. I would not be able to use my 360 as I want with the X1 features/restrictions.


I do, however, have my PS3 connected via wifi and I use my FREE PSN account to buy random crap sometimes, like a course or two for Tiger Woods. I've never even considered using PS MOVE, but I constantly use my PS3 for NHL Gamecenter, a SHARED NFL Sunday Ticket subscription, and Netflix. These are all things I would be able to do on my PC, but I use my PS3 because it's equally simple and FREE.


If MS doesn't listen to the demands the market is making, X1 will fail massively. I think Sony is going to make very few changes with PS4 to avoid alienating people like me, and will successfully convert quite a few Xbox users, probably irreversibly so.

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man...doesn't sound like a good deal at all...i hate PS controllers and the button configs. Always drove me back to Xbox


+ 1 million. I've hated those stupid controllers since the original PlayStation, but the tards at Sony decided to take the worst thing about their console and keep it untouched for the PS2 and PS3. IMO they are the worst controllers ever made for any gaming console.


But, yeah, this Xbox One shit seems lame as fuck.

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I personally think the PS controller is great. It fits my hands perfectly. I use it with my PC for games. The xbox controller fits my hands fine but I don't like it as much as sony's.
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I try to keep an open mind with DRM stuff. I used to pirate games all the time in high school and college when dropping $60 was not a realistic option. When the games turned out to be good and memorable, I made a mental note. Now that I'm financially independent and stable, I've made it a point to try to go back and buy all the games I pirated that weren't total crap. At this point in my life, DRM in terms of making sure games aren't pirated doesn't bother me.


However, this whole X1 fiasco is a real put-off. I have a PS3 and an 360. My 360 isn't plugged in to the internet, I don't have a Gold subscription, and I only use it for my used copies of Forza 4, Red Dead Redemption, and Undead Nightmare, all 3 of which were purchased as 2ndhand copies, and none of which require me to plug in a Kinect. I would not be able to use my 360 as I want with the X1 features/restrictions.


I do, however, have my PS3 connected via wifi and I use my FREE PSN account to buy random crap sometimes, like a course or two for Tiger Woods. I've never even considered using PS MOVE, but I constantly use my PS3 for NHL Gamecenter, a SHARED NFL Sunday Ticket subscription, and Netflix. These are all things I would be able to do on my PC, but I use my PS3 because it's equally simple and FREE.


If MS doesn't listen to the demands the market is making, X1 will fail massively. I think Sony is going to make very few changes with PS4 to avoid alienating people like me, and will successfully convert quite a few Xbox users, probably irreversibly so.

DO NOT waste any money on the PS Move, its total garbage!


+ 1 million. I've hated those stupid controllers since the original PlayStation, but the tards at Sony decided to take the worst thing about their console and keep it untouched for the PS2 and PS3. IMO they are the worst controllers ever made for any gaming console.


But, yeah, this Xbox One shit seems lame as fuck.


there's a wireless Xbox style controller for the PS3


I personally think the PS controller is great. It fits my hands perfectly. I use it with my PC for games. The xbox controller fits my hands fine but I don't like it as much as sony's.


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I think I will wait for both systems to be out for a while and get the bugs worked out before I make a decision to purchase one, however it is sounding like I am going to be leaning towards Sony this time. The only game series I really play is COD and it is available on both.


Thats what im going to do, I just love the forza games so I hope the new one comes out for 360 depending on how the console review is.

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+ 1 million. I've hated those stupid controllers since the original PlayStation, but the tards at Sony decided to take the worst thing about their console and keep it untouched for the PS2 and PS3. IMO they are the worst controllers ever made for any gaming console.


But, yeah, this Xbox One shit seems lame as fuck.


Maybe growing up on N64 gave my hands some superhuman adaptability, but I've never found any particular game controller to be so inhumanly horrible that it wasn't usable.

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I think I'll just go outside instead of buying either. Never did get into video games. Got too much other crap to do in my life anyways. Fuck them both.


Yet you are here on an Internet forum, clicked on an Xbox thread and made a reply. Yep seems like you have a lot of other crap to do.

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there's a wireless Xbox style controller for the PS3




I have one. It's nice, was surprised how good it feels. Fits my hands a little better than an xbox controller, but I have no complaints about the stock PlayStation controllers



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Thats what im going to do, I just love the forza games so I hope the new one comes out for 360 depending on how the console review is.


There's just absolutely no chance that happens. Forza 5 is a launch title for Xbox One made by a MS developer. No way they'd let it be on the "old" console.

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There's just absolutely no chance that happens. Forza 5 is a launch title for Xbox One made by a MS developer. No way they'd let it be on the "old" console.


If there's ample demand, why not supply? PS2 is still the best selling console in history, and just went out of production earlier this year. It almost survived to see the PS3 get replaced.

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This could be one of the most impressive marketing failures of the new millennium, depending how much MS wants to spend keeping this out of the news.


This is really a shame - I am pretty anti-sony due to their past run-ins with DRM and pushing it towards the market, but they have appeared to learn from their mistakes. Microsoft has gone full retard. I won't own either console, and will continue to play PC games.

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The reddit story is great. If you don't think every major company out there has people pumping their products on every possible social media site then you're not very bright.


There's a whole subreddit dedicated to pointing those people out. The only reason this is a story is because r/gaming can't hate on the Xbox One enough right now.

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PS3 was $499 and $599 at launch over 6 years ago. Not sure why people are freaking out at a $499 price tag now.


Although it is being rumored that Sony is aiming for $399 for the PS4. We should know tonight.


Titan looked interesting. Same guys who made the good Call of Duty games and were run off by Activision after MW2 (the last COD that played well). I'll get Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 as well. Next Halo in 2014, 60fps (finally) and dedicated servers (that $3.50/month that's been putting me on the edge of bankruptcy for Xbox Live paying off right there).

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