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As far as the 'apps' go. I have a smart phone and a computer. I don't need apps on my TV too. I'm not that desperate to know what my friend ate for dinner.


My internet connection sucks, I live in the middle of the country and I get kicked off xbox usually within 5 minutes of connect. So I don't play online, doesn't bother me. I do not want to be forced online by a console so I can play a game I paid for. Seriously, just look at the massive failure SimCity was just because of DRM.


But really. All I look at is PS4 is more 'gamer-friendly', is $100 cheaper, and has better hardware. Not to mention PS3s Console exclusives have been 100 times better then 360s. I have no doubt PS4 will continue this. Especially if Naughty Dog stays with Sony.


As far as their E3 show. TB did it best...



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all in all the PS4 is aimed at gaming and the Xbox One is aimed at everything BUT gaming. either way I pre-ordered a PS4(best buy is only allowing 1 per household) while I was there I asked which console has more pre-orders? guy laughed and said "is that a real question?" PS4 20:1, and pre-order sales from Amazon PS4 24,248 to Xbox One 1379. MS better make some changes or they just signed their own death warrant with their plot next to Sega.
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all in all the PS4 is aimed at gaming and the Xbox One is aimed at everything BUT gaming. either way I pre-ordered a PS4(best buy is only allowing 1 per household) while I was there I asked which console has more pre-orders? guy laughed and said "is that a real question?" PS4 20:1, and pre-order sales from Amazon PS4 24,248 to Xbox One 1379. MS better make some changes or they just signed their own death warrant with their plot next to Sega.


So much incorrect information here it's hard to reply to. But that's just all part of the hive mind working against the Xbox One right now. Your Amazon numbers are from a Facebook voting thing. No one is releasing actual sales numbers. And Sony sent out at least twice as many pre-orders as MS. Was three times as many or more at some stores. The 20:1 thing is probably just a bit of an exaggeration but I wouldn't be surprised if it really was 5:1 which is based on supply plus the general opinion of the Xbox One right now.

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It's going to be hilarious if within the next month Sony announces they have to adopt a few of the same DRM things MS is. Some rumblings out there that Sony pulled their little thing somewhat at the last moment just to stick it to MS in PR (which they did) but some publishers are not pleased and the deals are not official and won't be for another month or so.


If ANY of that is true, Sony made a power play and if the publishers cave, MS can drop their DRM stuff and Sony's biggest (read: only) advantage disappears.


If Sony's play doesn't work and they have to do some of the same DRM stuff I don't know what would happen. Sony fanboys would just suck it up and blame MS probably.


So this was true. The publishers caved. Now MS is getting rid of their DRM stuff. PS4 now has only one advantage - price.



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This just in, Microsoft backs off. Now all they need to do is come down $100, and they might win some people back.


Last week at E3, the excitement, creativity and future of our industry was on display for a global audience.


For us, the future comes in the form of Xbox One, a system designed to be the best place to play games this year and for many years to come. As is our heritage with Xbox, we designed a system that could take full advantage of advances in technology in order to deliver a breakthrough in game play and entertainment. We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games. We believe in the benefits of a connected, digital future.


Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback. I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One.


You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.


So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:


An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.


Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.


In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console — there will be no regional restrictions.


These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.


We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.


Thank you again for your candid feedback. Our team remains committed to listening, taking feedback and delivering a great product for you later this year.

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If they didnt change that i wonder how launch sales would of been... Wonder if people really would of stuck it out like they said they would and not get it, or if they would just be a bunch of keyboard warriors and pick it up anyways.
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If they didnt change that i wonder how launch sales would of been... Wonder if people really would of stuck it out like they said they would and not get it, or if they would just be a bunch of keyboard warriors and pick it up anyways.


Apparently Sony is winning preorders by about 20:1 right now. Probably helped Microsoft wake up.

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lol, just wait, people will buy the Xbox One then 3-4 months later they'll have a mandatory update that takes all the freedom away leaving all the Xbox One owners stuck with games & systems they can't resell.



I could see a class action lawsuit coming from that if that were the case.

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Yeah, that won't happen. I think the rumors about Sony "going rogue" before their E3 presentation are true, MS went to the publishers and said, either go exclusive with us or we're doing exactly what Sony just did, obviously no one wanted to jump on the Xbox One ship at that time so MS pulls the plug on the DRM stuff.


Sucks because I was excited about the sharing circle stuff and this kills it. Sony is holding back the advancement of console gaming by doing this but MS didn't have much of a choice because they did such a bad job of getting everything hammered out in time to present it solidly to their potential customers while also fumbling basically every other aspect of PR in the last few weeks.

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Yeah, that won't happen. I think the rumors about Sony "going rogue" before their E3 presentation are true, MS went to the publishers and said, either go exclusive with us or we're doing exactly what Sony just did, obviously no one wanted to jump on the Xbox One ship at that time so MS pulls the plug on the DRM stuff.


Sucks because I was excited about the sharing circle stuff and this kills it. Sony is holding back the advancement of console gaming by doing this but MS didn't have much of a choice because they did such a bad job of getting everything hammered out in time to present it solidly to their potential customers while also fumbling basically every other aspect of PR in the last few weeks.


Holding back the console gaming by fucking half their customers? Do you work for Microsoft or something? How is alienating a ton of people from your console the future?


Their idea was retarded. And the majority of people said fuck you we will go ps4, which is still cheaper and still has better hardware. Between getting destroyed on pre orders and probably publishers backing away from them, Microsoft made a save their ass move.


Best part, their are quite a few interviews from E3 with Microsoft execs saying they wouldn't back down from the drm and used game thing. Now, they do a big 180. Pretty difficult to make me trust them.


Regardless, I'm holding off till the prices drop and glitches are taking care of. Not dealing with another red ring fiasco. Though I am leaning more ps4 due to how great ps3s exclusives were and the fact the company seems to give a shit about their customers and not just money.

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Odd how the companies have seemingly reversed positions from the last generational leap. MS ofourse having the cheaper SKU in the 360, easier to code for hardware, and overall more "gamer-friendly" attitude, with Sony building the "It Does Everything" PS3, that was difficult to code for, and with an almost disrespectful hubris about them (the famous "you'll want to work hard to afford it" speech).


MS really screwed the pooch, and it's not because of the components, but how horribly they handled it. Online checks and DRM as part of the eco-system can work, but you can't be dickholes about it. Look at Steam, they handle the exact scenario well, no used market or borrowing, bi-weekly (not daily) internet checks, and built-in DRM. They can get away with it though, only because of the cost of games (amazing steam sales), and because your games follow your account PC to PC.

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They can get away with it though, only because of the cost of games (amazing steam sales), and because your games follow your account PC to PC.


Exactly. If Microsoft wanted to do the DRM bs or even the used game banning thing. The only way to do it and make people happy would be to dramatically lower game cost.

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I could see a class action lawsuit coming from that if that were the case.

Don't get me wrong I doubt it'll happen too,

but if it does they'll put it somewhere in the user agreement that people "ALWAYS" accept without reading, then the phrase "It was in the user agreement" will save their ass and prevent it.


Oh, but Sony still fucked up their thumbstick placement, though thankfully the sticks themselves are no longer convex. My claw hand will at least not slip.


claw hand? :lol:

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Exactly. If Microsoft wanted to do the DRM bs or even the used game banning thing. The only way to do it and make people happy would be to dramatically lower game cost over time


Agreed, though I added a slight fix, because Steam still releases most high-profile games above the 49.99 threshold, followed by strategic drops to entice hoards of new buyers at a time. Without manufacturing costs margins are increased, and developers don't have to feel sick about used sales.

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Interesting that people don't remember how poorly Steam was received at the beginning. But they pushed through and now everyone loves it. But they don't deal in hardware so they didn't have to worry about that part. MS does and they couldn't push on without risking massive losses.


This pic sums it all up pretty well...




People just weren't ready to move forward. It's funny how many articles there are out there today about how MS just traded in a car for a faster horse. But again, they didn't have much of a choice because of how the hive mind took over.

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People just weren't ready to move forward. It's funny how many articles there are out there today about how MS just traded in a car for a faster horse. But again, they didn't have much of a choice because of how the hive mind took over.


Forward? Hive mind? It was a stupid fucking idea that was driven by greed and the desire to have your customers by the balls. The customers finally had enough of their horseshit and told them to fuck off, and now they're back peddling.

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Still 100 bucks MORE for a system with WEAKER hardware than that of the competition! That right there is a deal breaker to me. It should be 100 bucks cheaper, not more! From what I have seen. You still have to have xbox gold subscription just to use your netflix subscription, and who knows what else. Still didn't say they removed the necessity to go online and register your game before playing it. Oh and as far as the controllers go. The xbox controller is the biggest reason I have not owned one.
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Forward? Hive mind? It was a stupid fucking idea that was driven by greed and the desire to have your customers by the balls. The customers finally had enough of their horseshit and told them to fuck off, and now they're back peddling.


still 100 bucks MORE for a system with WEAKER hardware than that of the competition! that right there is a deal breaker to me. it should be 100 bucks cheaper, not more! from what i have seen you still have to have xbox gold subscription just to use your netflix subscription, and who knows what else. still didn't say they removed the necessity to go online and register your game before playing it. oh and as far as the controllers go. the xbox controller is the biggest reason i have not owned one.


My thoughts exactly.

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Forward? Hive mind? It was a stupid fucking idea that was driven by greed and the desire to have your customers by the balls. The customers finally had enough of their horseshit and told them to fuck off, and now they're back peddling.


You are part of the hive mind. It's OK. You and thousands if not millions of others didn't understand the concept. Like I said, go check some gaming sites today. Those who do understand what MS was trying to do see that their going back to the old ways is a bit of a downer.


Edit: here is a relevant article - https://medium.com/adventures-in-consumer-technology/a849a9d4d530


Tons of really cool features gone because people didn't understand them or don't like change. Just like the article points out and I have pointed out, MS' PR people failed to express these features appropriately. Even I didn't know about the sharing circle until just a few days ago and just like that it's gone. People were so sucked into the mentality that OMG IF I DON'T HAVE INTERNET I CAN'T PLAY. OMG I CAN'T TRADE IN MY GAMES FOR $0.14 AT GAMESTOP ANYMORE...MAYBE. OMG I CAN'T SELL MY USED GAMES ON EBAY ANYMORE. They couldn't see the positives.


The only negative I saw the whole way through was how that mentality would affect sales and affect the number of people on the Xbox One. If it's a virtual ghost town then I didn't want to be on it regardless of cool features. Now people who converted will convert back and everything will stay the same. Only an idiot would proclaim that the consumers won yesterday. MS won because now all the dumb people who couldn't comprehend what was going on will go crawling back to the XBO and their sales will go back to about what they expected. But the real big winners? They won so big they decided to release statements yesterday thanking MS. Gamefly and Gamestop. These digitally-driven features would have set things in motion that may have eventually killed those companies. Is anyone here actually a fan of Gamestop? I stepped foot in one for the first time in years to pre-order my consoles and get out. And I've never used Gamefly but can see its appeal. But, again, digitally sharing games with your friends means you can try or "rent" the game from your friends when they weren't playing it. Play the entire game if you want to. As many times as you want (granted your friend isn't on it) for as long as you want. For free. But now that's gone too.

Edited by bicranium
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