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To the double dumbasses


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I saw both of you riding your motorcycles on 71 south right by the crew stadium today at 3:45 pm. One of you had a gopro strapped to your helmet. At least you both were wearing a helmet. Traffic was heavy and you were both weaving and cutting off cars like you were stunt doubles on the fast and the furious set. Knock that shit off. You could of injured someone or yourself. Speaking of accidents there was one in the left lane right before the split that looked like it just happened. I don't know if you caused that or they were another set of dumbasses. Either way fuck you learn to drive like a normal citizen.
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I saw both of you riding your motorcycles on 71 south right by the crew stadium today at 3:45 pm. One of you had a gopro strapped to your helmet. At least you both were wearing a helmet. Traffic was heavy and you were both weaving and cutting off cars like you were stunt doubles on the fast and the furious set. Go off yourself away from others. You could of injured someone as your lives are meaningless due to your lack of care for others. Speaking of accidents there was one in the left lane right before the split that looked like it just happened. I don't know if you caused that or they were another set of dumbasses. Either way fuck you learn to drive like a normal citizen.


Fixed. I have no respect for bikers like this. Worst thing they probably have the "look for a motorcycle" sticker on their other car/vehicle.


Pisses me off when people on motorcycles drive like a bunch of idiots then have the idea that everyone is out there to kill them when they drive like idiots. (obviously not all but A LOT)

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How is this type of riding any different than the highway races a lot of peeps do on here for bragging rights. I would rather be struck by a 600lb bike than a 3600lb automobile.


Most highway racing doesn't involve swerving through traffic.

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