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Sealfit kokoro camp


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Just finished this kokoro camp and highly suggest for anyone here who are adventure seekers. It was hardcore and definitely brutal. For any who have never heard of it, it is the first 50 hours of navy SEAL (BUDs) hell week. It's put on by both retired, active duty and enlisted guys who have graduated BUDs but are only in SQT chasing the trident.


It was rough...they started us with hoses in the face and beat us on the grinder for an hour. Then a 45 min plank hold. I hated and yet loved every minute. I almost quit 30 damn times, but stuck it out being cold, sore, wet and miserable. But it was fun as hell at the same time. Seriously suggest this camp just for the sole fact that they will dig into the core of your being and you will meet yourself for the first time. You can do 20x more than you ever thought possible. It was cool hanging out and having a BBQ with SEALs after finishing and listening to the funny crap they say. Check out the link below and watch any of the evolution videos to get a small taste of what I went through for 50 non stop hours. I'm a former Marine and they put me through the ringer worse than the corps had done...




Can't decide if pushing a 50 pound sand bag with your face in and out of the surf in a low crawl forever or doing handless burpees for putting your hands on your hips because your tired (100x each offense) or maybe the 3200 full range burpees we did was worse.

Edited by timmy43016
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I am sore today and missing skin in random places from all the sand rubbing on my shoulders and thighs. I fared far better than some of those other dudes. The screwed with me pretty hard when they saw my USMC tattoo.


Seal "Hey Martin...What the F&ck is that on your arm??!!"

Me "Former Marine coach"

Seal "You know what the difference between a Marine and a banana is?"

Me "No coach"

Seal "Marines start off green, turn yellow and die together"

Me "Hooyah coach"

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Now go home and enjoy some of delicious deserts you wife keeps posting pics of on FB ;)


Hell those are usually gone before she gets a chance to post it. Got home last night and all I wanted was a cold beer. She was nice enough to buy me a 1.9 pound bag of swedish fish which I promptly dug into until she took the bag away. We burned close to 22k calories per day.

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Just finished this kokoro camp and highly suggest for anyone here who are adventure seekers. It was hardcore and definitely brutal. For any who have never heard of it, it is the first 50 hours of navy SEAL (BUDs) hell week. It's put on by both retired, active duty and enlisted guys who have graduated BUDs but are only in SQT chasing the trident.


It was rough...they started us with hoses in the face and beat us on the grinder for an hour. Then a 45 min plank hold. I hated and yet loved every minute. I almost quit 30 damn times, but stuck it out being cold, sore, wet and miserable. But it was fun as hell at the same time. Seriously suggest this camp just for the sole fact that they will dig into the core of your being and you will meet yourself for the first time. You can do 20x more than you ever thought possible. It was cool hanging out and having a BBQ with SEALs after finishing and listening to the funny crap they say. Check out the link below and watch any of the evolution videos to get a small taste of what I went through for 50 non stop hours. I'm a former Marine and they put me through the ringer worse than the corps had done...




Can't decide if pushing a 50 pound sand bag with your face in and out of the surf in a low crawl forever or doing handless burpees for putting your hands on your hips because your tired (100x each offense) or maybe the 3200 full range burpees we did was worse.


I'd rather do all of this with the goal in mind of becoming a navy seal instead of doing it all for funzies.

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I'd rather do all of this with the goal in mind of becoming a navy seal instead of doing it all for funzies.


Not about being a SEAL. There were several candidates headed to BUDs that were there. Those who have graduated BUDs that have done this camp say that this camp is harder than BUDs and the grad rate for those who have attended this and gone on to BUDs is 100%.


This camp is more about letting yourself know that you can do more than 20x what you thought you could possibly do and forges mental toughness.

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