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You obviously are looking to argue your point vs. ask for more detail.


In prison food and shelter are provided. If you want to argue, tell me I'm supporting slavory. They would live and work on the farm. Spend a year there, by your numbers, it looks like they would have over $10,000 saved up. We could only hope they learn the value of hard work and could then take that to a different job.


My argument is that your proposal is very close to communism. So let's say they live on a government-owned farm with government-provided food and government-provided lodging.


If they're working the farm, obviously the government is looking to recover the costs of free lodging and food through crops' profitability. The government would therefore have a vested interest in seeing the price of its crops increase, which would do what for you and me? That's right, it'd increase the market price of the goods we consume! I'm sure you wouldn't mind the value of your hard-earned dollars decreased drastically because of inflation caused by a government program to help the poor.


However, you and I as educated individuals realize that the government would definitely have measures to control inflation so as not to significantly harm the rest of the hard working public. They would regulate the price of goods and services to ensure a healthy balance between the government providing suitable aid to those who rely on it and not affecting the well deserved wealth of those who have earned it.


Is this sounding like communism yet?


EDIT2: by communism I mean the multiple failed attempts to run a socialist government, not pure Marxism.


EDIT: I'm obviously interested in arguing my point. I don't disagree that what you propose is a valid way to force those who rely on government aid to contribute back to society, but I question its value as a way of weaning people off the welfare teat. Our current system does a terrible job of this and needs an overhaul. I just figured the overwhelmingly CR-supported method of doing so would be more of the completely free market approach rather than support of a bloated government taking more control.

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I don't give a damn what you lable it. If you have to leach off the system, I see nothing wrong with making you earn it as part of the system. And working on a farm, and my 3 seconds of thought, seems like a good way to feed those who can't feed themselves and provide more food for the greater good. Am I defending it would work? Hell, no! But, feel free to continue to promote your view without offer a resolve. Differance is, I care little for my idea to be accepted. I don't run for office, so my opinion can be as close minded make sense, as I see fit. I wasn't looking to debate it for approval.


I suppose you have a perfect plan that will work to solve all issues for the greater good of everyone. You are not doubt wise, so this was a statement, not a question. I look forward to your resolve to people leaching from the system.

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I don't give a damn what you lable it. If you have to leach off the system, I see nothing wrong with making you earn it as part of the system. And working on a farm, and my 3 seconds of thought, seems like a good way to feed those who can't feed themselves and provide more food for the greater good. Am I defending it would work? Hell, no! But, feel free to continue to promote your view without offer a resolve. Differance is, I care little for my idea to be accepted. I don't run for office, so my opinion can be as close minded make sense, as I see fit. I wasn't looking to debate it for approval.


I look forward to your resolve to people leaching from the system.


Again 90% of "entitlement benefits" go to the elderly, disabled or working poor. Does your plan enroll these people in the internment camps?


It is not as big of an issue as some may have you believe. The Cadillac Queen is a disproven yet effective trope to create a diversion from those who are receiving the most government subsidies... at the other end of the income scale.

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Your request for detail on my already explained "3 seconds of thought"; now bringing in elderly, diabled, and working poor, answers it's self. Let's chop their arms off and make them sew clothing for everyone. Well that's not going to work, is it?
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