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Spondyloarthritis Anyone? :(


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I've been having lots of issues with my hands and joints, I just seen a specialist today and the medication they want to try tbh scares the fucking shit out of me. It's called Methotrexate and they use it for cancer patients.


TBH I've never really been afraid of a treatment before.


The Doctor's firm came highly recommended.


Just wondered if anyone else had been down this path.




If it works I will have full function back

No more pain (it's getting unbearable)

Being able to ride my motorcycle again.



Jesus christ the side effects. Going bald ohh wait almost there

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Seeing you reminds me of the butler in scary movie with the baby hand that mixes up the potatoes with his baby arm and plays with the turkey, MY GERMS!!!


lol thanks Rustle :) that was a damn funny dude though.

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Seeing you reminds me of the butler in scary movie with the baby hand that mixes up the potatoes with his baby arm and plays with the turkey, MY GERMS!!!


Grab my strong hand child

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I know this thread isn't supposed to be funny, but the responses so far made me giggle like a 12 yr old school girl. My advise though, if your only worried about hairloss then don't worry, prolly can't get much uglier. :gabe: seriously though, I would take the meds if I were you, I'd take feeling better over looks.
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I know this thread isn't supposed to be funny, but the responses so far made me giggle like a 12 yr old school girl. My advise though, if your only worried about hairloss then don't worry, prolly can't get much uglier. :gabe: seriously though, I would take the meds if I were you, I'd take feeling better over looks.


Just nerve racking i guesse. Hey this is a drug we give to cancer patients... I'm all like WTF. Shits like that? I watched my aunt die of cancer and chemo and i was like if i even get a light version of that from this FUCK ME.


Just nervous as fuq

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Methotrexate can be some nasty stuff, but most immunosuppressants are. Like other autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, your body is essentially attacking itself. One way to make it quit doing that is to suppress your immune system with an immunosuppressant, such as Methotrexate. Steroids are also used as well, but they come with their own list of nasty side effects.


Take the stuff as prescribed; report any adverse effects. Your doctor didn't get through 30 years of schooling because he's an idiot.

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Most likely you will just get fat. If you're already fat, then fatter. My cousin has been on that stuff for a while, nothing bad to report except for weight gain.


Sadly I'm overweight and have been steadily dropping said weight. ok picking up the script tonight. I honestly hope all my hair doesnt fall out.

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Sadly I'm overweight and have been steadily dropping said weight. ok picking up the script tonight. I honestly hope all my hair doesnt fall out.


Really? The least hair-covered thing on your body is your head. ;)


In all seriousness, that sucks, man. Good luck. Maybe, at least the end result will be worth it.

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While it's reasonable to expect your doctor to defend his diagnoses in semi-layman's terms, this comment is why I understand doctors who get frustrated with their patients.


Huh? I was pointing out the fact that if he specializes in this stuff, he probably is not an idiot. Idiots don't generally make it through med school.

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how do you know that you have sponylo?? have you had HLA testing?? when in doubt, seek a second opinion. MTX is a 'no joke' medication. there are better ones out there, but they are expensive as shit

They just did a ton of blood work but I have chrohns.


They told me insurance requires them to do this first and im nervous as fuck. But at the same time if I don't do something about this i could endanger my career as i need my fingers to work.

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Huh? I was pointing out the fact that if he specializes in this stuff, he probably is not an idiot. Idiots don't generally make it through med school.


I was agreeing with you, pointing out that while a person has every right to ask a doc some questions about why/what they're recommending, there's really no sense in doing so because for a doc to compress 30 years of medical expertise and training into a few sentences is impossible.

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I was agreeing with you, pointing out that while a person has every right to ask a doc some questions about why/what they're recommending, there's really no sense in doing so because for a doc to compress 30 years of medical expertise and training into a few sentences is impossible.


Ah. Gotcha, and fully agree.

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Also, on that same note, the new push is to 'involve' your patients in their own care. I've talked to and educated patients until I'm blue in the face, and they still come back for the same dumb shit, week after week. I've met rocks that are more compliant with my demands.
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Also, on that same note, the new push is to 'involve' your patients in their own care. I've talked to and educated patients until I'm blue in the face, and they still come back for the same dumb shit, week after week. I've met rocks that are more compliant with my demands.

Though I sound like a tard online I consider myself an educated patient.


When he told me about mtx he said it was used on cancer patients and that my hair might fall out but nothing else . told me take it on one day at night with food. Once I went home and read more I was concerned.


But at the same time he explained that with my family and personal medical history that this type of arthritis is common and if this medication works I would have a fill recovery assuming there isn't damage done which he took ex rays to check.


It took me months to get in to see this Dr and my primary care Dr wasn't helping . his solution was more nsaids that really tore my stomach up.


So aside from the hair loss what else are the real common side effects. Reading online only goes so far. My worry is it effecting me in a mental capacity I just took a new job and o need to be sharp.... All joking aside this is important.

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