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Ariel Castro found hanging in prison cell


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He should have spent his life in SOLITARY, like he did those women, with a guy named bubba raping him at random intervals.






done or existing alone.

"I live a pretty solitary life"

synonyms:lonely, companionless, unaccompanied, by oneself, on one's own, alone, friendless; More


(of a place) secluded or isolated.

"solitary farmsteads"

synonyms:isolated, remote, lonely, out of the way, in the back of beyond, outlying, off the beaten track/path, godforsaken, obscure, inaccessible, cut off; More


single; only.

"we have not a solitary shred of evidence to go on"

synonyms:single, lone, sole, unique; More

(of a bird, mammal, or insect) living alone or in pairs, esp. in contrast to related social forms.

"a solitary wasp"

(of a flower or other part) borne singly.

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I've offered it up on these forums before but my preferred method of "execution" for someone like this is and always will be scaphism.




This, and make it happen on Lake Erie so it's doubly nasty. Almost as bad as the Ganges.

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Givin his plea bargin to avoid the death penalty and his general "I did nothing wrong" attitude during the trial, I tend to believe he had some "help" with his death.


Also considering that he was directly supervised every 30 minutes, and that a hanging death by asphyxia (where the neck doesn't snap) can take up to 20 minutes for certain death, there COULD have been something they could to to revive him...if they were motivated.

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This. I just wish he had been thrown in general population for a while first.



Funny I was just joking with a co-worker today about this general idea. I said I wish that before he killed himself that they took him randomly and threw him out with the general population for 1/2 hour intervals.


Sort of like a prisoner Russian roullette type deal... Maybe he survives for a while, and for several rounds, but eventually someone would get him one way or the other. Hopefully the anxiety of being raped/murdered by other prisoners would give him a small taste of the hell he put those poor women through.


Have fun in hell a-hole...




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CR: Complain about taxes that pay for inmates, get mad when inmate kills self.


I don't think anyone here's mad, I'm just saying it's a shame he only had to suffer for 1 month, a fraction of the time he forced other people to suffer. Just like Hitler, got the easy way out.


And like I say in every other death penalty/prison cost thread, send those fuckers to a work camp in Siberia, deprive them of all their rights, and force them to live in absolute inhuman squalor for the rest of their pathetic lives. The only fate worse than death is to be forced to live a life as something subhuman.

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Just want to point out that TECHNICALLY Ariel Castro did serve his life sentence.


side note: the Aventador was looking pretty tasty at the Italian meet. Caught my eye from across the field.


Either way the dudes dead fuckit who cares

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Even if he didnt take the plea and ended up with the death penalty, he would have been in prison for several years before put to death. I believe he killed himself with the only help being from the guards who didnt give a fuck enough to stop him from doing it or reviving him. I cant blame them at all.
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