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1uping Ross. nerd + unsafe riding + cheap scooter = LOL


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Hola from Florida friends. Figured I would take some time out of my day to share the funniest thing I have seen in a long long time.

Let me set the scene.

Its 1130am, busy 4 lane road, Orlando, Fl near a local university full of yuppie trendy fockers.

Sorority girls, hot sorority girls having a swim suit car wash on the corner at CVS.

My buddy and I are using the gps on a chipolte run when I notice a trendy little emo lookin kid is riding this SUVs ass on a cheap cheap scooter, you know the ones people are buying just to save money on gas? (Sorry Whodey for the use of emo) No gear except for a cheap retro style 3/4 helmet, purple tee shirt and tight jeans.

I point him out to my friend and say that kid is going to eat shit if he doesn't give that car some space. I'm talking no more than 10' from the bumper crusing at 50mph.

The SUV slows to make a left hand turn the fucker jumps in front of us to save his ass and then dives back into the lane to tailgate the next car which eventually makes a left.

I think to myself if this kid gets along side of us i'm def gonna give him a pointer that may save his life.

NOW... We eventually make it past him and he is tailgating us. We are approaching an intersection where some very pretty ladies are having a car wash for thier sorority, so needless to say we have forgotten to follow the direction of the gps and have long forgotten about the kid tailgating us.

At the intersection we see the chipolte across the street my buddy slams on the brakes to make his right hand turn and we hear the squeal of tires and crushing of plastic. I look back thinking we just got rear ended but realize i didn't feel an impact.

Instead I look back to see the fuckin idiot laying on the ground dumb founded, confused as to why he is laying on the ground scrapped up and his scooter's throttle is pined open. Helpless he lays there for a bit looking around, gets up brushes himself and tries to pick his scooter up. The sorority girls come out help him pick his scooter up and push it on the side walk. I'm dying I can't breathe cause I'm laughing so hard.

I think that was the best chipolte I have ever had.

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lol, I get down to Florida all the time, I know exactly what you mean with those car washes. They have so many accidents around those, they have to go out and shut them down. And they really do have trouble driving in the rain in Florida. It gets super slippery on the wet roads, sometimes, and they act like it's snow or ice.

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Wait. You're in Florida? What's going on there? Just random vacation?

Like said up above would've been nice if the girls pointed and laughed because he's an idiot.

Lets just say I'm on an extended vacation until further notice.

I got laid off from my job in dayton so I'm down here job hunting. If I don't get a job I'll be back when the weather takes on a more consistant trend towards summer.

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Lets just say I'm on an extended vacation until further notice.

I got laid off from my job in dayton so I'm down here job hunting. If I don't get a job I'll be back when the weather takes on a more consistant trend towards summer.

job hunting my ass...

go to nc and find us a house and jobs and elliot myself and a couple friends will be down!

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