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I <3 Cali.


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Jesus. That's not a phone friendly site. At least not my phone.


Either way, I got about halfway through before my phone freaked out. Is this really that bad? There are alternatives to lead, but I can't help but think that there's a more underlying intent.

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"There is no safe level of lead for human consumption," said bill sponsor and state Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, a Los Angeles-area Democrat.


Personally I'm not too concerned with how one consumes the lead, or the safety of consuming it.. after firing it in their direction


Ah California. :lolguy:

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Using Fox news as a source :dumb:


Let's get real. Lead is poisonous, so if there's a way of doing it with something that isn't poisonous, why not do it?




Earlier this year, a team of scientists, doctors, and public health experts released a statement through the University of California’s online publication system decrying lead’s toxic effects on humans and wildlife and wondering why lead ammunition — in their estimation, the biggest source of lead added to the environment — is still legal when products like paint, gasoline, and kids’ toys have become lead-free.
And then to all you fucking cheap asses...


The bill directs that if sufficient funding is available, the state’s Fish and Wildlife Commission would establish a process to give hunters non-lead ammunition for free or at a reduced price.
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Using Fox news as a source :dumb:


Let's get real. Lead is poisonous, so if there's a way of doing it with something that isn't poisonous, why not do it?


And then to all you fucking cheap asses...


Ok, so the link was to Fox. Would it make you feel better if I had linked MSNBC or CNN? The story isn't fake or made it. Google it if you want.


Guess where lead comes from? From powder form, from the ground. Thousands and thousands of lead bullets laying across the state isn't dangerous to anyone's health. Please, also research that.


Now, let's look into how to replace millions of batteries out there because they have evil lead in them. Many, many, many times more lead than every bullet in the country.


Let's get real. Why would Cali want to ban the cheapest form of ammunition?

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Using Fox news as a source :dumb:


Let's get real. Lead is poisonous, so if there's a way of doing it with something that isn't poisonous, why not do it?




And then to all you fucking cheap asses...


Thank you.


There's always been an issue with lead bullets or any kind of projectile including bb's and pellets. (I don't even think you can get those in lead anymore)

Seriously, if you don't understand why lead is an issue, then you need to educate yourself. There's no fuckin conspiracy to take your firearms or ammo away. The lead has a negative impact on the environment and in no time at all, nobody will give two shits about it if it's gotten rid of. Hell, we'll even have more lead to use in other things.

Oh, and implying that it's ok because batteries harm the environment and people use those is a ridiculous cop-out and you know it. lol

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Thank you.


There's always been an issue with lead bullets or any kind of projectile including bb's and pellets. (I don't even think you can get those in lead anymore)

Seriously, if you don't understand why lead is an issue, then you need to educate yourself. There's no fuckin conspiracy to take your firearms or ammo away. The lead has a negative impact on the environment and in no time at all, nobody will give two shits about it if it's gotten rid of. Hell, we'll even have more lead to use in other things.

Oh, and implying that it's ok because batteries harm the environment and people use those is a ridiculous cop-out and you know it. lol


Lead bullets harms wild life, it is a given. People who eat meat hunted with lead bullets have more lead in their blood, yes we already know. What I am asking is why ban all lead bullets? If i'm at the range shooting into the side of a hill, or at an indoor range plink away and all the lead is being caught via a bullet trap, it's not doing the environment any harm. So why a full ban on lead bullets? It's just another bullshit reason they want to make it harder for people to enjoy their 2A rights. Instead of trying to ban it out right, why not make it reasonable and just ban people from hunting with it. Educate people on why lead is bad for the condors and other wildlife that is affected. Most people have already stopped hunting with lead bullets. Ever since I started hunting waterfowl, I have been using steel shot.

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Lead bullets harms wild life, it is a given. People who eat meat hunted with lead bullets have more lead in their blood, yes we already know. What I am asking is why ban all lead bullets? If i'm at the range shooting into the side of a hill, or at an indoor range plink away and all the lead is being caught via a bullet trap, it's not doing the environment any harm. So why a full ban on lead bullets? It's just another bullshit reason they want to make it harder for people to enjoy their 2A rights. Instead of trying to ban it out right, why not make it reasonable and just ban people from hunting with it. Educate people on why lead is bad for the condors and other wildlife that is affected. Most people have already stopped hunting with lead bullets. Ever since I started hunting waterfowl, I have been using steel shot.


I believe it's already illegal to hunt with lead in Cali, and I think most states ban lead shot for waterfowl. This isn't anything new.


If any of you think Cali is doing this for the environment, you're delusional. :dumb:

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I believe it's already illegal to hunt with lead in Cali, and I think most states ban lead shot for waterfowl. This isn't anything new.


If any of you think Cali is doing this for the environment, you're delusional. :dumb:


I thought it was only banned in certain protected area like the rest of the US states. You are right, hunting waterfowl with non-leaded ammo has been in place for quiet a while, since 1991.

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