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Has anyone ever fought a school zone speeding ticket?


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I have been dealing with this for a while since I live just 40 feet from a school zone in The same school system. Now the last 3 years it has been 7:30-8:30 in the morning and I can't remember the afternoon hours cause I just never drive during them. Now they have changed it to when kids are present. I always leave around 8:15-8:30 to get to work at 9:00 and always do the 20 no matter what. Just feels normal. I always have some jack ass riding my ass in a mini van or someone late to school and they normally have kids for said school without or without the new signs. So people out here totally just blow it off and I've never seen anyone pulled over or even a cop in 4 years. So maybe they should come over here instead.
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Yeah, the signs don't tell you everything. If there are kids on school property visible from the road then it's an active school zone. I posed the question to one of our resource officers (Madison County Sheriff Deputy) how far outside school hours would count, and basically was told if a kid goes and plays on a school playground on a Saturday morning in July, then technically the school zone is effect.
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Yeah, the signs don't tell you everything. If there are kids on school property visible from the road then it's an active school zone. I posed the question to one of our resource officers (Madison County Sheriff Deputy) how far outside school hours would count, and basically was told if a kid goes and plays on a school playground on a Saturday morning in July, then technically the school zone is effect.


Pretty much sums it up. Easier way to look at it:


If kids are outside of the building, on school property, school zone is in effect.

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Talked with my lawyer he said to go in and try negotiate to a regular speeding ticket. It was packed this morning and that was a no go. I was one of the last people called up and after seeing how everything went i plead no contest. The judge was fair and only assigned a 75$ fine plus court cost. Totaling 199. It sucked but i really think i learned my lesson about not being on high alert while driving.


I feel sorry for anyone who is in a hurry and gets stuck behind me. This being my 3rd ticket in 10 years, means im going to avoid another for a long time at all cost.

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