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GTA V Online Xbox 360 Players


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Anyone got it for 360? Seems like most people i know got it for PS3, but im looking for some people to do some online missions with and shit.


my gamertag is Fubar231


Either shoot me a friends request or post on here with your GT and i can friends you, just need people to play GTA V Online with though for a "Crew" so we can do shit like that. Need to find all the people on here who have it for 360 and make a CR Crew on it for people from here.

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Anthony (darkfagula) on here started a crew we played a few hours the other night he is on a lot ( I should be on a lot in the early evenings)


My game tag is SRTurbo04 or 04Srturbo I cant remember and im too lazy to check lol


Both are xbox360

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Anthony (darkfagula) on here started a crew we played a few hours the other night he is on a lot ( I should be on a lot in the early evenings)


My game tag is SRTurbo04 or 04Srturbo I cant remember and im too lazy to check lol


Both are xbox360


Since you dont remember your GT just shoot me a friends next time you get on

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We have a crew.


I'm not playing online until they fix it. I, along with many others, have had our online characters deleted due to a bug with their servers. Rockstar is looking into a fix and a restore, but until then I'm out.


They patched it, of course when you go online you HAVE to do a Race First, then some Drug Shit, then somethin else (Getting clothes etc), then like 1 more mission, then you can play with everyone else once you get passed those starter missions. You can do the starter missions with people, but if everyone leaves just finish it by yourself so you can get through the first BS few missions then get to the free-roam world with everyone else.


And if you have a Crew whats the name so i can look it up and ask for a invite

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The update that came out the other day only helped people getting online/past that first race.


Still lots of problems with stuff not saving/people losing stuff. One of my friends lost basically everything he had done from earlier this morning until about 5-6PM. He was a level 38 or 39 and came back as a 32 with about $300k less and didn't have a truck he had bought and upgraded a bunch.


I lost maybe a level or two yesterday and $10-20k but nothing to be too upset about.


My best advice is to do as much as you can through the in-game phone and not through the Xbox guide/friend's list and even back out to single player before starting a set of missions/races whatever with other people since that forces a save.

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The first couple hours of online really sucks due to the tutorial. I really don't feel like doing it again.


Makes it sound like the leveling was a job and not a fun video game.


Add me, fool. JumpinJewRocket


My new xbox live name is Ol Uncle Remus. add me


Add me too. You should join the CR Crew.


<--- bang it up


Join my super cool gang if you want. I will play you in some golf and run you over with the golf kart.

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SeebsLSJ if anyone wants to add me but I'm taking a break till they fix it. Had my character revert back to rank 6 multiple times already. My brother's character was completely deleted. Both new characters after the patch.


It's fun but not worth the frustration with losing everything constantly. All they need to do is make it so saves are local instead of this cloud bull shit. Can't wait to see how next gen consoles 'work', especially with them being so cloud based.

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