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OCC returning....again


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This time apparently it's only about Senior and Orange County Choppers. It's an 8 episode series for the time being and will air on CMT (apparently that station is still around and they no longer show country music videos)



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LOL @ it got dumped to CMT.


8 more episodes of Srs saying "hey we're going to build this".. goes back into office.. then drama happens... then it comes out to put the tank on and says "that's bad ass what I have built".



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I feel so ashamed when I stumble upon a good movie on TV and realize it's on CMT. For example, tomorrow they're showing Ghostbusters and on Thursday Ghostbusters II. Why the fuck are those on CMT? I would absolutely stop on them when flipping through channels then not realize it's CMT until a commercial then hate myself.
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