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Yet another school shooting...


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Your an agnostic. There is no such thing as an atheist.


You see snow, so you believe snow exists. If you saw God, you would also believe God existed.


Theist - Someone who believes something exists


A Theist - Someone who doesn't believe something exists.


Agnostic - Unsure of what to believe in.


But as stated, a real god wouldnt allow this shit to happen in the first place. But its probably some sort of "test".

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I see Santa Clause every day at the store. I don't believe he exists.


Regardless, this is why I believe what I believe. I try to believe, but then shit like this happens.


People always give me "Free will" bullshit. Was it this girl's free will to get shot at point blank in the head? No.

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Yup, because if there was a God, no one would have choices and life would be unicorns and rainbows. Clearly there can't be a God, as seen by the fact that we all have choices, unicorns don't exist, and rainbows are only occasionally seen.
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"Free will" bullshit.


According to believers, God is all knowing, he knows everything you have done, are doing and will do. They also believe that God made everything, and determines how everything will be...it's all about "his will".


Then they also believe that people have free will while believing the 2 things above. One of many reasons why you have to be fucking mental to be religious.

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According to believers, God is all knowing, he knows everything you have done, are doing and will do. They also believe that God made everything, and determines how everything will be...it's all about "his will".


Then they also believe that people have free will while believing the 2 things above. One of many reasons why you have to be fucking mental to be religious.


Lets say for arguments sake that there is a God, and he knows what you have done, are doing and will do, and because He knows what you will do, you have no choice to the contrary. Meaning, if he "knows in 15min that you are going to walk down the hall and turn left instead of right, you really never had a choice to turn right, because the "All powerful" already knew what was going to happen.


Now lets say that a dog is walking down the street and you lay a steak in front of him, as well as a piece of paper. You know he is going to go sniff the steak instead of the paper.


Does my knowledge of what he was going to do mean that the dog really never had a choice to begin with?


Serious question.

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Lets say for arguments sake that there is a God, and he knows what you have done, are doing and will do, and because He knows what you will do, you have no choice to the contrary. Meaning, if he "knows in 15min that you are going to walk down the hall and turn left instead of right, you really never had a choice to turn right, because the "All powerful" already knew what was going to happen.


Now lets say that a dog is walking down the street and you lay a steak in front of him, as well as a piece of paper. You know he is going to go sniff the steak instead of the paper.


Does my knowledge of what he was going to do mean that the dog really never had a choice to begin with?


Serious question.


That's not quite the same...but for argument's sake.


The dog did have a choice, and you have no control over the dog, at least not the way that god has over his creations (You don't live in his heart or wherever the fuck). You are simply making an assumption based off previous experiences.


This kind of reminds me of Schrodinger's cat in a way. So in this case, the dog licked the steak and the paper simultaneously until someone saw him do it :)

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Boiling down the belief in God to one argument (that God is all knowing and all powerful and plays an active role in determining what happens at any given moment) is inappropriate in an argument.


I don't believe in wasting what little time on Earth I have worrying about God's existence or non-existence. If God exists, I'm sure God will understand my attitude and my commitment to simply being a good person regardless of my beliefs. If God doesn't exist, I'll hopefully die with a net positive contribution to the universe.


But when pressed for what I believe, you'll find that I'm an apathetic agnostic. I don't know what's out there, and I don't know what to call it but I believe there is a binding commonality within everything physical, living or not, in the universe. The thing I have a problem with is when people use religion as a platform from which to spout hateful, harmful rhetoric.

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No one at that age is really a socialist, just someone who wants recognition for being different. Anyone who knows anything about anything, even the most bleeding heart left wing liberals, knows that true socialism is stupid.


I guess we shouldn't be allowing 18 year olds to vote then, right?

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