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things to do in detroit?


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I made a post about this place last week after seeing most of the new Chrysler 200 press photos were taken there.


Drive around the Wayne State area and check out some of the old Victorian mansions that are still standing.


Or go to Bouzoukis.

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Alright.... Well what an experience to say the least.


1. Outside the Holiday Inn I started talking to locals and then noted that they were smoking some black weird deal. I asked them about it and then they proceeded to give me an extened education on what they called "Wax weed" and there weed dispensaries they have... I was like WTF? Needless to say I got away from that group.


2. On my way back to the room in the elevator there was a group of partiers who asked me if I was there for the "Chive party"? I asked, "What is a Chive party?" They all exchanged glances and said "If you don't know then never mind" AGAIN a WTF moment.


3. Afterwards we grabbed a cap to Bouzoukis and closed that bitch down like bauce sauce. So much nasty and fights, BUT extremely entertaining.


4. 3 a.m. went to a "Casino" which was a freak show all in itself. Just one instance was when walking into the bathroom I happened to walk past a stall and glanced over and saw a midget unclogging a toilet with what looked like giant chopsticks. I about lost it laughing needless to say.


5. Today we drove past the hardcore pawn store and went to 8 mile where we drove around for about an hour looking at all the burnt down houses.


There were a ton more stories and things that happened, but theses were the highlights.


Fear and loathing in the "D"

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