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Does anyone know of any secrets to getting rid of Fleas in a basement?


I have had Orkin out 5 times (yes 5 times) as well as fogged my basement, and tried Diatomaceous Earth and so far NOTHING has even put a dent in those little fuckers...


I'm honestly, at a loss on what to do, they do not come upstairs, just stay in the basement, but this problem has gone on long enough and it's put my basement projects on hold for months now.


Any ideas on how to get rid of them would be appreciated.


on other notes, the basement is kept clean, everything is boxed up in plastic bins, floors are swept, and we do not keep animals in the basement, so I have no idea what these little bastards are eating in order to stay alive.

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Try something like a pie pan or a large dish, put dish soap in the bottom of it (no water), they will jump in and stick and die. It may not get all of em, but it should get a bunch of them. I have also heard of something called sevendust, you just sprinkle it on the floor and leave it. I have also heard of doing the same with Borax.
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I tried Borax as well as I used a frisbee and put soap in it... the soap did get some, but not that much.... borax didn't really seem to do anything.


I've also been going down there with my shop vac and vaccuming the entire floor...


I should mention, the floor is all concrete right now. I have all the carpet for the basement, but it's all sitting out back in my garage until I get this issue under control.


To put it into context, I walked down there last night (first time in 2 weeks and the last person down there was the orkin man) and I was down there for a MAX of 20 seconds (enough time to turn off the breaker to my dishwasher so I could install the new one) and I pulled at least 10 off my socks and legs.


Another thing to help with info, the basement is 2,400 Sq Feet.

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That is crazy. What does the exterminator tell you? I'd love to hear his reasoning. I'm guessing you had a hatch out of eggs down there for some reason, but did this just start out of nowhere? Moisture attracting them maybe?

You'd think this would be an easy fix for an exterminator since fleas aren't active outside right now.

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my basement flooded and ever since it has been a nightmare... the exterminator just keeps on telling me that it should be resolved... they were coming back out for free but now are saying they are going to charge me to come out yet they haven't resolved my issue. You would figure after 5 treatments from professionals that eggs or not, they would be dead.


as far as mice carrying them, I have had mouse traps down there since we moved in and none of them have ever gone off... I tested one to make sure that it functioned properly and it does.

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