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Sochi LOLs


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Love that Audi pic.


Is anyone actually following these Olympic's? I find them to be very boring.


I watch a good bit of it. Followed the men's half pipe all the way through Shawn White's, Danny Davis', and Bretz's falls which led to no US medals for the first time ever.


Been following curling a good bit. Hockey has had some nice games. Anything fast/x-games style I like.


Screw figure skating. Blech.

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Love that Audi pic.


Is anyone actually following these Olympic's? I find them to be very boring.


Same here, not really following them and find them to be mostly lame.


I always try to watch curling just to see if I can decipher the rules and then always ultimately decide that my Mensa-level intellect is far too inferior and give up. I'm mesmerized a bit by curling though, regardless.


The only winter Olympic sport I actually enjoy watching is the short track speed skating.

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...stripped and fell on a set of knife...only in Russia


I feel bad for the Russian Olympic team. Would Stalin II lines the athletes up and shoot them too if they fail so medal?


In Soviet Russia, we no care for journalism. All vodka fueled lies.


Is this a reputable website, or are they like the Onion?


Pretty amazing if it's a true report. Feel sorry for that Canadian bobsled dude. He'll be dead soon for opening his mouth and telling his of the evening.


It's the Onion of the world.

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