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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Nearly Kills This Driver


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Heres the link to the story : http://www.carthrottle.com/carbon-monoxide-poisoning-nearly-killed-this-driver-this-is-his-story/


Heres the video , the video narrates it pretty well but there is still shots and a little more info in the write-up its-self. Guy is extremely lucky to be alive after this and his car be in one piece.


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Was thinking the same thing. Why not windows down?


That's how they do it in Europe, probably the same reason drag strips require windows up here (to keep limbs inside the car?). They signal for point-bys with their turn signals. It's funny, it seems so wrong to us, but then you see comments from Brits on track day videos and they're like, "Why in bloody hell are your windows down? And why do you keep sticking your arm outside of the car?" Seems just as wrong to them.


Scary video, even sped up I was like, "Just break the goddamn window already!"

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I'm not sure what to even say... The driver seemed special.


I don't know either. Instincts tells me that if i'm finding a little hard to breath, dizziness, headache and there is smell of exhaust in my car. First thing I would do is roll down the windows and get fresh air.

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I don't know either. Instincts tells me that if i'm finding a little hard to breath, dizziness, headache and there is smell of exhaust in my car. First thing I would do is roll down the windows and get fresh air.


Same thing I was thinking, if i started getting light-headed or smelling GAS even id pull off and air the car out and get some fresh air.


Scary video, even sped up I was like, "Just break the goddamn window already!"


What took them so long to smash a window?


I felt they were too hesitant in their response.


Same thing i was wondering, seems like they waited a good 3-5 minutes of knocking (Since it was sped up) before they finally decided lets break the window to get him out, his eyes are open but hes unresponsive. Could of been a health issue or anything, but i feel like they waited WAY too long.

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I don't know either. Instincts tells me that if i'm finding a little hard to breath, dizziness, headache and there is smell of exhaust in my car. First thing I would do is roll down the windows and get fresh air.


CO is odorless and tasteless, and the symptoms are pretty mild and probably not too different from the effects of exhaustion and dehydration that would not be unfamiliar to a racer who has stayed out on track for a little too long. Driver probably though "one more lap and I'll pull in for a drink."

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MR2 lol!


This can happen quite easily in these. The only open spot coming from the engine bay is where the shift cables go back to the transmission. With the air flow on these going under the car and up through the engine bay, it all makes sense. That arae is also right by the turbo, so if he had partially blown a gasket, it would be even more exaggerated.

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