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Carpet people come on in


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So here's the deal: The Condo needed to have some structural repairs done -the concrete firewall that lies in-between the carpet and the floorboards had fractured into dozens of pieces (Association is footing the bill). At any rate the carpet needed to come up (obviously) so the property manager had a couple guys come in and yank it up, along with all of the tack-boards. Concrete was poured last week, and just yesterday I get an email from the property manager saying the carpet was stained in numerous areas (this is true) and due to it's age/condition he wasn't going to be able to reinstall it and that guess what, we're going to have to foot the bill for both new carpet and installation.


So my question is how hard is carpet to re-install? Can you damage it during removal such that it won't re-take the form of the room again?


According to the Associations by-laws they are responsible for damage/repairs involved with correcting structural issues, so im honestly not all that worried, just looking to bring an educated argument to the table, if need be.

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From the staples the padding is shot. As long as they didn't cut the carpet to get it up or out it should be reusable without issue. How many Sf are you taking about? The one upside I see is maybe you could get to pick the carpet/pad and split the bill with them so you don;t end up with crappy buck a foot carpeting in it's place.
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As long as the carpet wasn't torn/ripped/cut etc it can be reinstalled. Only issue is restretching it......if the carpet has some age to it you don't want to stretch it too much. just enough to finish it off. Shouldn't be a big deal. most installers anymore don't know what a powerstrecther is anyway.


As far as the tackstrip goes.......how much concrete was repoured? width/ thickness from wall? if it's not a wide repair the concrete will crack when trying to nail new strip. But we can liquid nails it down ( not a preferred method but works) or may need to drill and pin it.


Pad isn't a big deal....I'm sure they weren't careful when taking it up and prob took chunks out of it if it was stapled. If it was put down Jacker like with tape then prob just pulled it off the strip, could be glued too. But unless you want to all the padding doesn't need replacing. worst case is to cut it back alittle and put new strips of padding in.



On you assuming responsibility of cost for new carpet and pad........It was their issue, and they stained carpet. so it's on them IMO.

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