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Anyone encrypt their android phone?


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I've had my internal memory encrypted through the android menu, security, encrypt phone. It was fine for a few days. I rebooted each day and put my pin in on phone startup, saw a green android logo while I guess it unlocked, then my normal launcher. Did not notice any lag when using my phone.


I was using an app called Emit which streams from your computer to your phone to stream music or video. The server app crashed on my computer and it froze my phone. Everything on my phone display had a red tint to it. It looked broken. Had to do a battery pull on my phone. Turned it back on and put my pin in, saw the green android logo but it stayed there. Waiting 30 minutes and it was still there. Hit the home button and the logo turned Red. I thought I broke my phone.


I could load TWRP recovery. It asked for my PIN. It mounted the encrypted partition and I could read the directories. I did a factory wipe and it still asked for PIN on reboot and still stuck. I had to manually format my partitions and load a backup off my SD card.


Anyone have that happen before or know what I did wrong?

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