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In case anyone asks...


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After seeing my newly placed OR sticker, someone asked me about Ohio Riders. Since they don't ride, directing them here wouldn't have been of any use... so I told them OR is my motorcycle gang...

so shhhh... don't tell 'them' we're actually a bunch of computer nerds that chat online all day :lol:

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  wrillo said:
After seeing my newly placed OR sticker, someone asked me about Ohio Riders. Since they don't ride, directing them here wouldn't have been of any use... so I told them OR is my motorcycle gang...

so shhhh... don't tell 'them' we're actually a bunch of computer nerds that chat online all day :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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:lol: great work :D

I hate trying to explain what Ohio Riders is. Is it a club? Not really; there's no set membership rules or anything. Is it a gang? No, not unless you consider the tormenting of the Ohio sheep population but a subset of our members to be gang activity. Saying "oh its an online motorcycle forum" sounds profoundly nerdy and is very misleading. Usually I just say "it's a group of people I ride motorcycles with"...that's not quite right either but it's the easiest thing to say that requires the least explanation.

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  Harb67 said:
We need some absurd, nonsensical battle cry kinda like the Ruff Ryders have. They've got "RUFF RYDERS....youuuu KNOW!", why can't we have something equally ridiculous?

Let's start brainstorming, people.


BBG feat. Taintsmasher

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