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Self Driver cars ( Advanced Cruise / Lane keep / Emergency breaking )


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So I had the chance to drive the 200c the other day during my hunt for a new car. I was super impressed with the driver assists and just how well they worked. I was curious if anyone else had the chance to drive a car with them and there thoughts.



I can easily see my next car having the ability to drive it self in this manngerr.

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I've driven most of the cars on the market and some are better than others. The clarity of the lane markings and lighting of the environment obviously have a huge effect too, which is why you should always keep your hands on the wheel.


Glad you liked the 200C. It offers a lot at that price point and I think it's a pretty solid car.

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While these devices have their uses and purpose personally I consider them dangerous. They breed laziness as people know they can depend on them to help, it allows them to focus more on everything but driving. Education is more of whats needed to improve safety on the road, people have lost respect for road and consider driving a right, its not.


If you like them go for it, at least they should help protect others from harm. BTW, Bill, none of this is directed at you personally of course.

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While these devices have their uses and purpose personally I consider them dangerous. They breed laziness as people know they can depend on them to help, it allows them to focus more on everything but driving. Education is more of whats needed to improve safety on the road, people have lost respect for road and consider driving a right, its not.


If you like them go for it, at least they should help protect others from harm. BTW, Bill, none of this is directed at you personally of course.


I know ;) I've got plenty of seat time in lots and lots of cars making stupid Power..


I really look forward to and fear the coming automated cars. Part of me knows that it would increase productivity and reduce accidents but at the same time it kills my favorite part about driving.... DRIVING

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Agreed, with over 550,000 miles behind the wheel of a truck and having to deal with morons constantly I actually can't wait until cars drive themselves and take these idiots out of the equation so long as we still have our cars and tracks to take them to.
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Agreed, with over 550,000 miles behind the wheel of a truck and having to deal with morons constantly I actually can't wait until cars drive themselves and take these idiots out of the equation so long as we still have our cars and tracks to take them to.

I don't think you're going to stop driving your car any time soon, but heavy trucks can probably support some of the costs earlier. You could debate the merits of these systems quite a bit, but the fact is people have been driving distracted for quite some time now and these systems have not been available. A lot of accidents happen when someone drifts out of their lane or off the road, and that's what this is working to combat. Most don't provide enough steering torque to actually steer you through anything more than a gentle curve and all will warn you to keep your hands on the wheel if you remove them. Hopefully, people are no more reliant on these systems than they are to ABS and ESC, but time will tell.

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Ive been driving a w212 E63 for a couple years now, and i remember taking a 25 mile trip on the freeway without touching the gas or steering wheel once and there was a traffic jam for about 5 of those miles, pretty amazing how technology has taken over.
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I don't think you're going to stop driving your car any time soon, but heavy trucks can probably support some of the costs earlier. You could debate the merits of these systems quite a bit, but the fact is people have been driving distracted for quite some time now and these systems have not been available. A lot of accidents happen when someone drifts out of their lane or off the road, and that's what this is working to combat. Most don't provide enough steering torque to actually steer you through anything more than a gentle curve and all will warn you to keep your hands on the wheel if you remove them. Hopefully, people are no more reliant on these systems than they are to ABS and ESC, but time will tell.


I never meant myself not driving, just 90% of the other people on the road. You know, the ones that changes lanes without looking, the ones that fly up , cut in front of you only to come to a stop at a light etc....everyone drives "me first" and on a race track I expect that, that's the point but not on the road when you put someone else in danger.

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While these devices have their uses and purpose personally I consider them dangerous. They breed laziness as people know they can depend on them to help, it allows them to focus more on everything but driving.


Ideally these folks who are completely uninterested in driving will take the 'google car' option, which should keep them packed nicely into the rightmost lane leaving the rest of the road open for [we] nonconformist maniacs.


Besides, how fun will it be to make the nicely organized line of g-cars let you in by getting juuust a little 'too close'

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