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Gun Shooting Hangouts!


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Hi guys,


I have spoken with a couple dozen people in Ohio (Columbus, CLE, Akron mainly) that said they'd like to have a couple meetups to shoot this summer. I was thinking that I would extend that invite (or knowledge of these hangouts) to the CR guys.


I think there are several complexes that can serve these needs. I have been to the first two.


Delaware state park Range - 100 yard paper rifle range, paper pistol range

Briar Rabbit in Zanesville - 325 steel/paper yard rifle range, shotgun stuff, steel pistol range

Rayners in Blue Rock - 1000yard steel range, 3-gun courses, etc


A couple of us were talking and thought it would be good to create a facebook page to be a method of informing people when we were going to shoot/meet. The page is called "Ohio Shooters small group". Check it out and join. Or, post your name on here and I will find you on facebook and add you.


The goal is to have a fun group of people who enjoy shooting frequently. We even thought of having matches as well if people felt so inclined. But that will be down the road.


The first shoot/hangout we are doing is at Briar Rabbit this Sunday. People will be getting there between 9am-10am and shooting till whenever (probably about 4-5pm). We will start out on the rifle range and then meander our way to the pistol range. I will be hanging steel on the rifle range.


Hope to see you there.


Let me know if you want to join the FB group.

Edited by Diamonds
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