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Marijuana as medicine


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Does anybody here have first hand experience with marijuana as a medicine/cure? Seems more and more stories are coming out about marijuana's affect on cancers, siezures in children, etc. Not just a bunch of hippies either; I am sure you have all seen CNN's chief medical correspondent and neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta essentially do a 180deg turn around on his view of pot.


I have always been for the legalization of pot, (even though I had never smoked, ate, or otherwise consumed), but this weekend a nurse doing physicals on my wife and I for life insurance told me a pretty awesome story about her brother, a long haired, late 50's, harley davidson riding hippy kind of guy. Never had health insurance, smoked cigarettes and pot, etc. Early this year it was discovered he had several cancerous spots in his abdomen. It rapidly got to the point where he couldn't get out of bed in the morning because of the pain, (liver area was rock hard). He wound up in hospice, and his family was all informed he didn't have long to live. The cancer was too far advanced for conventional treatment.


Well, he ended up getting cannabis oil sent to him, (obviously not legal). Took a dose and went to bed, and when he woke up the next morning, had regained mobility and said he felt great. This was a few months ago. Cancer went into remission and he is still walking around functioning perfectly fine to this day.


Also, as a side note, when they did a lung examination, the doctors said his lungs looked fine, and this is a lifelong smoker of cigarettes and cannabis.


Side note, looking at how cannabis affects cancer cells on the molecular level is pretty awesome.



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My buddy has blown out his knee twice and broke his femur (years ago) still has issues with recurrent pain. Doesn't take any pain relievers, just smokes 5+ joints (of le chronic) a day.


Expect 50% of the US to Legalize it within the next 7 years. Brother lives out in Washington and he can walk down the street and buy it legally now. Those of us who grew up in the 90's only dreamed of these days, even though I haven't smoked in years.

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The story about the little girl who some growers in CO basically "engineered" special weed for to help with her seizures was probably the story that, for me, made the benefits too obvious to ignore. Not that I was ever against it but I've never smoked weed, never really been interested in it but after reading that story it was hard not to support it being as legal and available to those who need it as possible.


Here's the story... http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/health/charlotte-child-medical-marijuana/


That story was put up 8/7/2013 and Gupta, referenced already in this thread, came out with his "Why I changed my mind on weed" thing the next day. So it's safe to say Charlotte's story had the same effect on him.

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The story about the little girl who some growers in CO basically "engineered" special weed for to help with her seizures was probably the story that, for me, made the benefits too obvious to ignore. Not that I was ever against it but I've never smoked weed, never really been interested in it but after reading that story it was hard not to support it being as legal and available to those who need it as possible.


Here's the story... http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/health/charlotte-child-medical-marijuana/


That story was put up 8/7/2013 and Gupta, referenced already in this thread, came out with his "Why I changed my mind on weed" thing the next day. So it's safe to say Charlotte's story had the same effect on him.


Yeah man, that's one for the first stories that came to my mind. Seems that the CBD helps with seizures, and THC helps with cancer. It's kind of a catch 22 with the cancer part for kids because THC is the "psychoactive" chemical so you kid is going to be high, but i'd rather my kid be high and alive than dead or near dead on chemo.


I'm all for it being legalized for recreational use too and regulated similar to alcohol, (especially since it's far less dangerous than alcohol), but so far, in my mind, the medical benefits are too great to be ignored.

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Yeah man, that's one for the first stories that came to my mind. Seems that the CBD helps with seizures, and THC helps with cancer. It's kind of a catch 22 with the cancer part for kids because THC is the "psychoactive" chemical so you kid is going to be high, but i'd rather my kid be high and alive than dead or near dead on chemo.


I'm all for it being legalized for recreational use too and regulated similar to alcohol, (especially since it's far less dangerous than alcohol), but so far, in my mind, the medical benefits are too great to be ignored.


You didn't read all of the story. Marijuana has a combination of 2 different compounds. Each strain has a different percentage. You have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC makes you feel "high" because it is psychoactive. CBD on the other hand is not psychoactive and only gives you medicinal properties like pain relief for example. The strain Charlotte's web is very high in CBD and not much THC. She is not getting high when she takes the oil.

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At the risk of stating the obvious, it's like any strong pharmaceutical:


Properly used for selected conditions, it can provide real benefits.

It can be abused.

Its use entails health risks.

It can be (at least psychologically) addictive.


I've never used it, never prescribed it, but I don't see a strong reason to keep it illegal.

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You didn't read all of the story. Marijuana has a combination of 2 different compounds. Each strain has a different percentage. You have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC makes you feel "high" because it is psychoactive. CBD on the other hand is not psychoactive and only gives you medicinal properties like pain relief for example. The strain Charlotte's web is very high in CBD and not much THC. She is not getting high when she takes the oil.


Failing to see how what I said had anything to do with what I said. Watch the vid above, those kids are high due to THC. I know the girl with the seizures was NOT high due to low THC levels.


Where is the conflict?

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My mother has Multiple Sclorosis and constant severe sciatic nerve pain. Although she would never use it, I have read a lot of articles about marijuana use benefitting people affected by a chronic issue.


Part of the issue in my opinion is the general public being lied to about the effects of marijuana. While some side effects told are true, many are not. My thinking always reverts to my experiences with pot users, most are very relaxed and still fairly productive people compared to an alcoholic. If they have a legitimate reason to use cannibis other than to just get stoned, I'm for it. I know far fewer people with a "marijuana problem" than a drinking problem, every alcoholic I know is almost to the point of self loathing and minimal productivity. We have one of each in my shop, one of which turns good hours, the alcoholic...though..He is lucky to make 15-22.


For me it is a no brainer. If anything start with medical marijuana, to get our feet wet so to speak, then possibly branch out into 100% legality assuming things go well.

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Almost all of the people I know that use cannabis are intelligent, hard working individuals. Window installers, dog trainers, painters, program coders for major companies such as Discover Card and Chase, buying their first houses in their young 20's, etc. The one's that are my age smoked every single day in HS and managed A's and B's throughout their HS careers and went on to be productive members of society. The PSA's showing people who use pot as being lazy good-for-nothings is a bunch of garbage. If people are going to be lazy slobs, they are going to do it regardless of smoking a joint.
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Almost all of the people I know that use cannabis are intelligent, hard working individuals. Window installers, dog trainers, painters, program coders for major companies such as Discover Card and Chase, buying their first houses in their young 20's, etc. The one's that are my age smoked every single day in HS and managed A's and B's throughout their HS careers and went on to be productive members of society. The PSA's showing people who use pot as being lazy good-for-nothings is a bunch of garbage. If people are going to be lazy slobs, they are going to do it regardless of smoking a joint.


More very well made points. An old roommate smokes constantly. He interned with Boeing for system engineering last summer and is with Epic this summer. Next summer he already has something lined up tentatively with Google and another aerospace company. That is about as good as you can get for betworl engineering...

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A friend's mother had some medical issues that made her not hungry / not want to eat. She ended up getting marijuana pills to stimulate her appetite. They seemed to have worked, as she started eating after starting on them.





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Failing to see how what I said had anything to do with what I said. Watch the vid above, those kids are high due to THC. I know the girl with the seizures was NOT high due to low THC levels.


Where is the conflict?


You said "It's kind of a catch 22 with the cancer part for kids because THC is the "psychoactive" chemical so you kid is going to be high, but i'd rather my kid be high and alive than dead or near dead on chemo."


That one example of the girl Charlotte is not getting high. The oil is just taking away her seizures. That alone should make it legal for medicinal purposes.


I can't watch the youtube video right now at work ;)

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Between weed, alcohol, and tobacco, IMO weed is the least harmful. The only reason it's still illegal is because it's a gateway drug. Not for drug users, mind you, but for the DEA. It's their gateway to continuous funding on the war on drugs.


"Oh we haven't rounded up enough coke/meth/H dealers? Just go bust Harry the Harmless Hippie, he's got a few hundred thousand worth of plants on his farm."


My mom's side of the family (except for my mom) is all stoners, including my uncle whose miraculous re-growing of salivary glands has confused his doctors. I bet it's got something to do with the 2 pot brownies per day.

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My mother has Multiple Sclorosis and constant severe sciatic nerve pain. Although she would never use it, I have read a lot of articles about marijuana use benefitting people affected by a chronic issue.


Part of the issue in my opinion is the general public being lied to about the effects of marijuana. While some side effects told are true, many are not. My thinking always reverts to my experiences with pot users, most are very relaxed and still fairly productive people compared to an alcoholic. If they have a legitimate reason to use cannibis other than to just get stoned, I'm for it. I know far fewer people with a "marijuana problem" than a drinking problem, every alcoholic I know is almost to the point of self loathing and minimal productivity. We have one of each in my shop, one of which turns good hours, the alcoholic...though..He is lucky to make 15-22.


For me it is a no brainer. If anything start with medical marijuana, to get our feet wet so to speak, then possibly branch out into 100% legality assuming things go well.


My friends Mother back in HS had MS and would smoke everyday. I never knew why she was so happy all the time until my friend let me in on the secret. Its because of marijuana that she walks today.

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I have issues with sleeping and "turning off" my brain at night. When I was younger I would just stay up at night and deal with the insomnia and night anxiety that went with it even though it wasn't good for my school performance or really for me in general. Now as an adult, with even more stress, I smoke pot just about every night as part of my bedtime routine and it is the best sleep aid I have ever had (much better than Ambien, etc...). I am able to go right to sleep, no insomnia or anxiety, and I wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy.
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I have issues with sleeping and "turning off" my brain at night. When I was younger I would just stay up at night and deal with the insomnia and night anxiety that went with it even though it wasn't good for my school performance or really for me in general. Now as an adult, with even more stress, I smoke pot just about every night as part of my bedtime routine and it is the best sleep aid I have ever had (much better than Ambien, etc...). I am able to go right to sleep, no insomnia or anxiety, and I wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy.


Boom. This is thousands if not damn near a million Americans I'd bet.


Even as a pain reliever, it doesn't tear your kidneys or lover near as much as those high strength prescriptions are said to.

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I have issues with sleeping and "turning off" my brain at night. When I was younger I would just stay up at night and deal with the insomnia and night anxiety that went with it even though it wasn't good for my school performance or really for me in general. Now as an adult, with even more stress, I smoke pot just about every night as part of my bedtime routine and it is the best sleep aid I have ever had (much better than Ambien, etc...). I am able to go right to sleep, no insomnia or anxiety, and I wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy.


My brother, an Iraq Vet, stated ambien is scary stuff. Doesn't like it. Doesn't like any sleeping pills. He prefers alternative, natural methods. When he stopped with the prescription drugs and moved all na tur al, he said he got the best nights sleep he has had in years.

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You said "It's kind of a catch 22 with the cancer part for kids because THC is the "psychoactive" chemical so you kid is going to be high, but i'd rather my kid be high and alive than dead or near dead on chemo."


That one example of the girl Charlotte is not getting high. The oil is just taking away her seizures. That alone should make it legal for medicinal purposes.


I can't watch the youtube video right now at work ;)


Watch the vid and my previous statement will make sense.


The girl with the seizures takes pot oil, that has no thc. No high. CBD is known to help with seizures. In this case, the oil is acting as an effective medication, without getting high.


On to the 2nd vid. The girl in there had cancer. He oil has THC, since THC is kills the cancer. In that scenario, since there is THC, the kid is high. That's the catch 22. In her case, because she needs the THC, she is high all day every day due to multiple doses of very potent oil. In that case, it may be a little bothersome to me that my 10yr old is high, but I would rather have him/her high and alive/recovering, as opposed to being a deteriorating vegetable on chemo.


I hope that clarifies what I meant.

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For me leg issues, back and nerves (physical not mental). Now I am using it in place of muscle relaxers and perks. I am due for back surgery August 4th. The doc/surgeon prescribed me perks and I said pass. My reason is I will need those during the first two weeks after for pain from surgery. I don't want to be addicted to opiates (it only takes two weeks of daily use) so I choose pot. Oil is nice also but harder to get. My surgeon, off the record, told me my decision was a wise choice as he gets a lots of people addicted to the opiates. I also have been researching growing my own ONCE LEGAL. There are certain strains, mentioned above, that have low or no THC but high CBDs so no high is attained. However, also stated above, cancer does use the THC portion.


Yeah I use it for recreational and now medical. I have always worked at white collar jobs and have to be on my toes. Never before or during work period. Never unemployed. Never police issues. Guess I am trying to say I am your average Joe lol.


Am I breaking the law? Sure. You know what? My body will thank me for not using opiates and letting them tear my body up (docs kept pushing them on me the last five years). Gateway drug? For some sure but a lot of those would have evolved no matter what they took. I have been smoking for over 30 years. I would rather be in a car with someone driving after smoking a joint VS. someone who drank a six pack.

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Opiates are really bad. I was on them after my chest surgery. I had an epidural for 3 straight days. I started hallucinating bad and I couldn't take a shit for 5 days. The withdrawal was the worst thing. I've never had a migraine that severe :(
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