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F*cking moles in my yard! help!


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To the OP: Someone mentioned traps you set up right above their holes. That'll probably be your best bet. Or you can combine every one else's ideas and just blow your entire yard up with dynamite. :rolleyes:


I have a similar problem, they are either moles or a neighborhood cat. Digging in the flower beds and potted plans on the front porch. Mothballs seems to help. They were cheap and that is where I started.

Grackles, robins and crows will tear some bedding up. Earthworms and other insects love to stay just below the wood chips, etc. Seriously, you'd be surprised at the amount of shit they'll stir up.

If it's a cat, there'll be shit. They don't dig for no reason.


Prairie dogs are all over the fucking place here in ND, if you want I can bring a couple back with next time I come home.

Haha I used to live near the largest PD park in the US located in Odessa, TX. Cool little guys if you don't have to run blindly through their neighborhood breaking a leg. I was mostly just fucking with the OP. ;)

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