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Anyone saw this??

Forrest Gump 9

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David Gold • 2 hours ago

Wow news crew, get your information right! There was never a child stuck under that car! These so called "heroes" are simply begging for undeserved attention and your feeding it to them. This makes me sick! Anyone with a brain in their head would know three people couldn't lift a car like that even in their dreams! Also, for the record, that woman walked her kids into the street OUTSIDE OF THE CROSSWALK. Since when are drivers expected to yield to j walking pedestrians. This story should really be focused on a mother with three kids who walked into Broad Street, outside of a crosswalk, without even looking! By the way, no one is in critical condition and they never were.


Save yourself the click.


If Mr. Gold's comment is accurate (minus the not being able to lift a car part) then they didn't have right-of-way and I'll tend to agree with him that some attention toward the dunce who jay-strolled three kids into the street be needed. See that happening daily on Morse Rd.


(Obviously, nobody wants to see children injured and it's tragic regardless.)

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Since when are drivers expected to yield to j walking pedestrians.


Since always. Operators of motorvehicles (including bicycles which I know are not MOTORvehicles) always have to yield to pedestrians in almost every situation. The only exception I can think of is in NYC where traffic and pedestrians are just a massive mess.


Now, if the family decides to sue their recovery might be reduced by something called contributory negligence, where it is determined how at fault (usually by percentage) the family was in creating the accident situation. I can tell you from personal experience that it is usually not much in a situation dealing with children and residential streets. If it was a mother and kids trying to cross 270 - then an argument can be made they are largely at fault but that isn't what happened here.

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