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Such a nice innocent boy...




Being accused of a crime does not negate your entitlement to due process, regardless of your actual innocence or guilt. Officer who shot Brown had no idea the person he was struggling with was a suspect.

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Seems that the video shows Mr. Brown was a thief and a thug. Karma.


5th, 6th and 7th amendments > karma.


Considering your "don't tread on me" title I would think you'd be a bigger fan of the rights granted by the Constitution. Or maybe those don't apply to "thugs".

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I believe the officer's account of the incident after seeing this video. Innocent teen my ass.


The only evidence presented to support either side's cause are witness statements, which are the least reliable kind of evidence. Even if the victim was guilty of theft/shoplifting, that's usually a petty misdemeanor, on the same level as a speeding ticket. Menacing is a misdemeanor. I would say, yeah, that kid is innocent until proven guilty in court. I've been accused of, fought, and had overturned unjust misdemeanors I've been charged with because I was afforded my rights to due process.


To try the victim in the court of public opinion and judge his innocence or guilt and the righteousness of his death without affording him the rights granted under the Constitution is pathetic.

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So if the cop wasnt aware of the kid (apparently) robbing the store, why was he stopping/arresting him?


Btw, in on page one.


The alleged (I say this because I don't know, not because I doubt it, which I don't) reason is that he and is friend were walking in the middle of the street disrupting traffic. I've read nothing regarding how much traffic there was or wasnt, whether they were literally walking down the middle of the road vs side of the street. There is no firm evidence to indicate one way or another AFAIK.


Zero evidence he wasn't trying to take the gun either....


Correct. There is also zero evidence that you aren't holding someone hostage at gunpoint at this moment, but I'm sure you would appreciate the benefit of the doubt before the police bust into your house and shoot you between the eyes BEFORE figuring out whether or not you are armed and/or a danger to yourself and others. Which is exactly my point.

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Correct. There is also zero evidence that you aren't holding someone hostage at gunpoint at this moment, but I'm sure you would appreciate the benefit of the doubt before the police bust into your house and shoot you between the eyes BEFORE figuring out whether or not you are armed and/or a danger to yourself and others.


If I was one hand would hold the gun, and another hold them. If not that then two hands on the gun. Meaning I could not type this....

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If I was one hand would hold the gun, and another hold them. If not that then two hands on the gun. Meaning I could not type this....


You could have one hand holding them, one hand on the weapon, and be telling them you'll make a 9mm hole in their head if they don't type exactly what you say.


Specious reasoning gets us nowhere towards informed debate.

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If this was a white on white, black on black, or asian on asian, etc. crime, we would not hear about any of this.


You're absolutely right. My uncle's brother in law was shot to death by an officer in Louisiana earlier this year. He was having a manic episode during withdrawal from alcoholism and police were called to try to calm him down. He was holding a kitchen knife (like a butter knife, not a chef's knife) and refused orders to drop it. Instead of trying to taser him, or baton him, or gas him, the officer elected to shoot him with a shotgun despite all his neighbors and his wife watching and screaming to the officer "DON'T SHOOT".


My girlfriend's first roommate was killed by officers in his house in March. While he claimed to family members to have a gun, he was not known to be in possession of one and no firearm was found on his body. He was shot 16 or so times by 4 officers. No taser was used. There has been mass censorship in the local media about it.


Both instances were white-on-white.

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El Karacho, sorry to hear about members of your family being shot to death. Thats a bad situation all around.


Unfortunately in Louisiana that is the norm. I remember years ago in Baton Rouge the police killed a mentally handicapped kid that was hiding from them in a bathroom. If your black and dealing with police, follow the orders or have enough money to run run your own parade in mardi gras so you can create a "social" club that can pay folks off to leave them alone. Going down there really opened up my eyes

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Does it matter if he was trying to take the officer's gun if it is true that he was shot in the back while running away and then shot again when he turned around to surrender after being hit?


I think you could argue that the shot in the car is perfectly justified if we agree that the kid was trying to take the gun, and even the shots as he ran away if you argue for the safety of the public from a man who would try to take a cop's gun. Hard to argue with finishing the guy off after he gave up. The officer that did it is 28, I wouldn't be surprised if adrenaline just took over and that is why shooting continued after they were out of the car.

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