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Metallic paper?


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So my sister owns a few peter lik photos and when I saw them in Vegas it had me thinking. Now I know next to nothing about photography or art however I loved how his pictures looked on this paper.


So does anyone here have experience with it or know places that sell art printed on this style of paper? I want to get some for my house but no way am I spending thousands on a picture.

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Is this the type of paper you're looking for? http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/products/papers/enduraPremier/enduraPremierMetallic.jhtml?pq-path=2301216

If so, your own photos can be printed on it from the larger places like adorama, for not much more than regular http://www.adoramapix.com/app/products/prints/

Edited by Mitch
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