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Does iTunes rat you out if you have music from LimeWire too?


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Any AdWare, SpyWare, Trojan, or application could rat on a particular application. And even rat on the extent of it's usage. The mere presence of an active LimeWire, results in clear activity across ports used by LimeWire. Which invites the curious, or the snooping application, to go look and see what your LimeWire software is offering for trade. Even switching off the upload, setting "no outbound files", is not going to prevent the files in the default folder from being seen. Not if you are actively using the LimeWire to download.

LimeWire has got too many viruses (in the downloads), and false servers are common. And some of those false servers are doing just what you don't want them to do. Collect information about what you got, and what you've been trading.

Basically, the LimeWire itself IS the rat. It's part of it's design.

Un-install your LimeWire and forget about it.

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Where else can you get music...I have never used any P2P and I would like to get some new music....but I dont want to litter my system with a bunch of viruses and spyware at the same time.


i used to use kazaa, limewire and lastly frostwire (p2p) wise. i got sick of the spyware and crap. Downloading crap quality songs or not even the full song. So then i started buying music from Zune..Never do that again when I got my new PC half the music I bought from them format change or something and pretty much been told nothing they can do and sorry bout your luck...so im in the same boat as you..

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A lot of people use newsgroup services. Even if there is a charge for use. Impossible to trace. I use creative searching, to find what I want. Like searching for FTP sources. Eventually I luck into major sources of download, that are not observable. Takes some work. A lot of students seem to set up huge FTP sources on a temp basis.

But I avoid most standard sources, and hunt for only 320kbps and up stuff. Sounds better to me. 256kbps minimum. 720kbps-1440kbps sounds fantastic.

And that would be Russian blogs and German file servers. And I advise much caution when using Russian sources. Major problems with viruses. It happens a lot. There's also a ton of stuff on Taiwan Chinese servers, but I can't read anything at all. Makes it difficult.

edit: there are also a lot of English music blogs that link to the same file downloads. If you snoop about on the internet for a while, you'll find some of them that you like. I just did a general search for music download blogs and got 295,000,000 hits. Same warning, some of those websites might have major or minor virus/spyware problems.

edit 2: ok, just found one I will be checking out. http://www.redferret.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php It's a list of mp3 websites.

edit 3: Another trick is to learn how to rip streaming content, and automatically create mp3s from the broadcast.

edit 4: ok ok enough, last edit... My little tiny portable mp3 player will rip straight from it's built in FM radio. What more can you ask for.

Edited by ReconRat
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I've never had an issue using LimeWire, not a single virus or spyware/adware program. If you have antivirus, a firewall, move your files after you download them and are careful, you won't have any problems either. Don't leave it running when you aren't downloading and move the files out of your shared folder. For whole albums, movies or applications, I use mininova + Vuze (Azures). Vuze has a builtin IP filtering from known bad or spy servers that updates daily. Again, never had a problem. Just be smart and you're fine.

Also, there is a program that is called PeerGuardian that you can run as a service on your computer that actively blocked unwanted IPs based on blacklists that you can setup to automatically download everyday. Very good and you will be amazed at what is getting to your computer even if you are NAT-ing and have a firewall in your router.

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Slave system FTW...

i have a cheap little laptop from when i started college loaded with all my pirate wares.... It takes all the risk.

I have it firewalled, and antivirused, but if something does get in that I don't want, it's easy enough to just format the whole drive and restart from scratch...

this way my "good" system has 0 risk of being infected. then i jump drive the files i want to put on my good system and "tadaaa"

itunes has never given me any probs, and it doesn't know if you ripped those songs yourself or downloaded them.

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