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NYC subway feminism?


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This is a joke, right?


100% NOT joking. She had it coming, and even my wife agrees. You don't get an assault pass because you have a vagina.


I'm not saying he should have closed fist punched her and broke her face open; but that open hand slap into next week was definitely an appropriate response.

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I thought it was columbus racing but it just looks like a bunch of dudes looking for a way justify and then laugh at someone hitting a woman.


Yeah, exactly. CR is not exactly a haven for progressive though, bruh. It's a bunch of juveniles on here, myself included (at least some of the time). I'm not saying you are right, OR wrong, for that matter. Just know your audience.

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I understand the whole don't hit a woman thing, especially when it comes to a women that you know or is in your life, or any women who is acting like a woman. Where I draw the line is, if you are a random stranger to me, just because you are a women doesn't mean you get a magical right to attack, or injur me with no retaliation.


People like the girl in the video want it both ways, they want to act like a thug but be treated like a lady and that just isn't acceptable.

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"Play stupid games win stupid prizes"- wagner


Women want equal rights, you hit me sure as shit going to hit you back. At that point your a equal.


Norm said it best. Plus weather u are a women or a man you put my family in danger you will get a boot stomp accross the curb.

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No excuse ever for hitting a woman. Dude even said so himself:





The misogyny in this thread is just sad.

Bet your tune changes when Say this random girl like this comes up and starts beating your wife or hell your kid.

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You can't assault someone, you doubly can't assault someone and be surprised by the return of a similar type of force. If the female, as obnoxious and horrible as she comes off, was only making fun of his jacket, and speech impediment(classy, and pot calling the kettle black given her evisceration of our beloved English language), and was given the hand I would be calling for the guys head. That's not what happened, and her knocking the phone out of the bystanders hand clearly shows she has a lack of understanding in regards to property, and personal security.
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Bet your tune changes when Say this random girl like this comes up and starts beating your wife or hell your kid.


I don't condone violence to begin with, but the secret is not to applaud that violence was met with violence but to not be in the situation in the first place.

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I don't condone violence to begin with, but the secret is not to applaud that violence was met with violence but to not be in the situation in the first place.


This is America...meeting violence with more violence is WHAT WE DO.

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She had it coming, though the dude was freaking huge and probably should have just tried to get away from the people as much as possible.


People who say "no reason to ever hit a woman" haven't met the right woman IMO. Some are just bat shit crazy.

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I thought it was columbus racing but it just looks like a bunch of dudes looking for a way justify and then laugh at someone hitting a woman.


Would you stand still while a dog attacked you? Why not? That's someones pet. You can't hit a dog, right?


If some bitch comes up to me and punches me in the eye because of whatever reason, I'm going to knock that fucking bitch out.


Opponent mentality vs...


I don't condone violence to begin with, but the secret is not to applaud that violence was met with violence but to not be in the situation in the first place.


...victim mentality.


While I don't condone violence, I also don't condone letting someone assault you.


You don't get an assault pass because you have a vagina.


You should get that on a t-shirt.


Plus weather...


Weather thread is in gen disc.

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Would you stand still while a dog attacked you? Why not? That's someones pet. You can't hit a dog, right?


It's nice to know you equate Women to Dogs.







...victim mentality.


While I don't condone violence, I also don't condone letting someone assault you.


I don't condone letting anybody assault anybody but violence is not the only resolution. If you think it is, then it is always going to be the path for you and it will take you places you didn't intend, like jail. The only reason this bouncer dude didn't go to jail is because someone took a video of it and posted it and it went semi-viral. Without that, NYPD and the Prosecutors office would have no problem charging him and sending him to jail.


The thing I found objectionable is not whether the dude was in the right or the wrong defending himself, it is that the people here seem to delight in the fact that it was a woman who attacked him and a woman who ended up getting smacked around. If it was just another dude do you think it would even get this much attention?

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If it was just another dude do you think it would even get this much attention?


Again, know your audience. If another dude got his ass slapped like that on public transit for running his mouth, then I think I echo the sentiment of everyone in here when I say "FUCK YES THAT SHIT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS".


Anyone remember "Angry Beard guy on Bus"? Someone call the amberlamps!



Edit: Now that I am thinking about it, it would probably be even more funny if it were a dude. Whats more insulting then catching a dude with a bitchslap?

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It's nice to know you equate an attacker to an attacker.




If you think it is, then it is always going to be the path for you and it will take you places...like home to your family.




Without hard evidence of self defense and the truth, NYPD and the Prosecutors office would have no problem charging him and sending him to jail.




The thing I found objectionable is not whether the dude was in the right or the wrong defending himself, it is that the people here seem to delight in the fact that it was a woman who attacked him and a woman who ended up getting smacked around. If it was just another dude do you think it would even get this much attention?




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