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More political stuff: The recent CIA "Torture Report"


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-In 2001, terrorists killed 3,000+ Americans

-We went to war, killed'em back, and took some POWs

-CIA tortured some of these POWs. We got some legit and some false confessions.

-Some in Congress (I believe led by Diane Feinstein) pushed for the deets of these tortures to be released.

-Troops (and possibly citizens) are probably going to pay the price due to retaliation.

-No one has flown anymore planes into high-rises since we started doing this.


Does the fact that this was released piss off anybody else? DF needs to die in a blazing fire. War sucks. We do what we feel we need to do. It isn't always right. It isn't always effective. But sometimes it works and sometimes it saves lives and I'm OK with that. I'm not OK with this cunt putting troops lives at risk just so she can sleep better at night.



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Bradley Manning leaked more details than this "torture report" and the same rhetoric was applied:


-In 2001, terrorists killed 3,000+ Americans

-We went to war, killed'em back, and took some POWs

-Bradley Manning leaks 700,000+ files, some detailing killing of civilians, torture, etc.

-Troops (and possibly citizens) are probably going to pay the price due to retaliation.

-No one has flown anymore planes into high-rises since he leaked that information


It's really easy to apply the rhetoric of loose lips kill troops to push your agenda. Besides, we've had more serious threats to this country from a god damn movie premier. Everyone knows we've been doing it. Now its just (further) confirmed.

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I don't think torture is something the US should be doing so I think that it is a good thing to have everything made public. First, these weren't POW's, one of the prisoners was held/tortured for 12 years before they let him go because he was completely innocent. There has been/will be no retaliation for the report as ISIS and other groups have been using this as fodder for years. It comes down to whether or not you think it is right to torture people, I believe it isn't so the report is something that will strengthen our country, others think torture is a good tool and they think we will be weakened by it. Also, as John McCain pointed out in his Senate speach, we hanged Japanese soldiers after WWII for waterboarding so it is hypocritical of us to do it.


Ironic that so many people who claim to hate big government get upset when the public is given the truth about the secret CIA torture prisons in the CIA agent's own words. Ultimately it comes down to what you think is right as an American and if this is a policy we should embrace or morally object to. The fact that the report was even released shows the strength of our country over the likes of Russia, China, Venezuela, and others who would have agreed with your views and never released such a report.

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I agree.

Our pussified conditioning of how to do things in this country is the most terrifying thing of all. We are no longer suppose to defend ourselves, but are to be the good victim, so we can press charges. We are supposed to gather intel, and prove the crime, so we can show them they did it and we know it was them.

We know. We need to stop letting suit and tie people defend use from their desks. They have all these "maybe" clauses in their actions, and they are shit. You do this...... "we destroy you". Guess what, people don't mess with you anymore.

I'm all for some humanitarian treatment for cooperative POW's. Don't Cooperate, game on.

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I agree.

Our pussified conditioning of how to do things in this country is the most terrifying thing of all. We are no longer suppose to defend ourselves, but are to be the good victim,


Yeah apparently in FLA you can defend yourself from a fight you started and kill someone and it's ok because it is "self defense" because you were losing. I agree - totally pussy position.

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-In 2001, terrorists killed 3,000+ Americans

-We went to war, killed'em back, and took some POWs

-CIA tortured some of these POWs. We got some legit and some false confessions.

-Some in Congress (I believe led by Diane Feinstein) pushed for the deets of these tortures to be released.

-Troops (and possibly citizens) are probably going to pay the price due to retaliation.

-No one has flown anymore planes into high-rises since we started doing this.


Does the fact that this was released piss off anybody else? DF needs to die in a blazing fire. War sucks. We do what we feel we need to do. It isn't always right. It isn't always effective. But sometimes it works and sometimes it saves lives and I'm OK with that. I'm not OK with this cunt putting troops lives at risk just so she can sleep better at night.




They flew planes into buildings, killed thousands here, kill even more in their own homeland ( like 136 kids in a school), and cut the heads off the non-combatants they capture.


So I'm pretty sure we should not show them a single inch of mercy and I think the ones who we did "torture" got of pretty easy.


I'm sure if we asked them nicely they would just tell us all their plans and want to be Facebook friends...

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Yeah apparently in FLA you can defend yourself from a fight you started and kill someone and it's ok because it is "self defense" because you were losing. I agree - totally pussy position.


Did I see you at the march? I'm in the far right near the back.



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Did I see you at the march? I'm in the far right near the back.


I'm not an Oberlin student nor a creepy old dude that likes to attend college rallies so he go all "creepy uncle" on girls barely in their 20s, so no.:dumb:

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