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Run in's with the law


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I'm 42. I've ridden on and off all my life. But primarily since 2003, during which I have logged 43,000 miles and traversed numerous states on my Z1000.

I think it is the orange color. After most recent episode, I've decided that one more ticket and I will paint my bike black. :(

Well given the number of miles I guess the frequency of run-ins is not that out of whack.

Maybe it is the orange color.

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I had a Hispanic cop in California tell me, " We don't like your kind around here".

I'm white. :wtf:

hahaha, WTF? That's almost like saying we don't like people who ride motorcycles around here, on this site.

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I have a friend whos father is a state trooper and has been for almost twenty years. I asked him how many tickets he has written expecting him to say something like too many to count. the answer was 0. not a single ticket in almost 20 years because he said that if he pulled ppl over for speeding he would be a hypocrite. i shook his hand

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I have a friend whos father is a state trooper and has been for almost twenty years. I asked him how many tickets he has written expecting him to say something like too many to count. the answer was 0. not a single ticket in almost 20 years because he said that if he pulled ppl over for speeding he would be a hypocrite. i shook his hand

I smell a big pile of :monkeypoo:

Can you really be pulled over for "not having your endorsement" considering there's no way to tell beforehand?

Yes you can tell prior to pulling someone over if they have there endorsement or not. You can tell if they are on their temps or probationary status as well.

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Originally Posted by wrillo viewpost.gif

If you're so inattentative that you didn't see the state trooper before you rode a wheelie by him, how can you argue that you'll see that stop sign/child/car/pedestrian? You really don't think you deserved a ticket for that

did i ever say i didn't deserve it?

I just said i am fighting it. who wants 4 points on their license when they can try to fight and get it off their record so their insurance doesn't go higher than it already is. Maybe i am not an idiot. there were no pedestrians, no traffic, it was a low speed 30ft - 40ft wheelie. I never left first gear. The first license suspension was retarded. It was 5 miles to the nearest town and that town has 1000 people in it. that is how remote the area was. and it was on a ancient 250. was not speeding at all. just happened to pass some douche having a bad day. I ride the rodes all the time on my dirtbike and my neighbor is a sherif, he didn't care one bit. I was taking a friendly stroll, enjoying a nice day.

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Can you really be pulled over for "not having your endorsement" considering there's no way to tell beforehand?

From what I understand, the information will show up when the run your plates. My buddy recently got pulled over and the first thing the cops said was "where is your helmet?" He told him that he ran his plates and saw that he hadn't had his endorsement a full year. He got off with a warning, but yes, they can tell. That's the part of the reason we have license plates.

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I have a friend whos father is a state trooper and has been for almost twenty years. I asked him how many tickets he has written expecting him to say something like too many to count. the answer was 0. not a single ticket in almost 20 years because he said that if he pulled ppl over for speeding he would be a hypocrite. i shook his hand

All state troopers do is give tickets. How can he go 20 years without giving one ticket? I'm calling BS.

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Yes you can tell prior to pulling someone over if they have there endorsement or not. You can tell if they are on their temps or probationary status as well.

yeah, but wouldnt you have to essentially randomly run plates to find out? It's not like you can say "hey, that guy looks like he's only got his endorsement, i should run his plates and find out."

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A buddy and me were pulled over on our bikes and i know we werent speeding. i asked as the officer approached "Were we going too fast?" The Trooper replied " You were going fast enough for me to check you guys out. license and registrations.".

What kind of bullshit is that?

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I know he didnt clock us or anything and we werent the only ones on the road.

But it just seems shitty to pull someone over for nothing. i thought they had to have a reason besides boredom.

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I'm not saying I have an issue with it. I just wondered if there was some method to it. As long as I dont get pulled over to randomly check my license/papers, have at it.

Nope, gotta have probable cause to check. :rulez: We don't live in a gestapo nation.

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IF there is a partial APB out (all points bulletin), that gives model type and color without the plate number, they all get pulled over. And for as long as necessary. I've had it happen twice. Two different vehicles with multiple stops. Westerville was kind enough to explain what was going on, the one time. That they were looking for some one driving a car like mine. No tickets, they were just looking for someone. They should explain more often, I found the car and guy they were looking for within a week, and called it in. He had been shooting people with a pellet gun from a moving vehicle. Who better to look for a particular car, other than some one driving an identical car.

Makes me want to say "I'm not the droid you're looking for..."

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Haaaaaaa, I may have been one to stop you for that. I remember that situation in the "Ville".

wow, that was a long time ago. White BelAir with gray primer?

I had just gotten out of the Army, and bought the car only a couple of weeks before, and then stripped the chrome and primered it. So it was pretty clear that I was on the other side of the world when it happened.

And I did find one that looked spooky identical, visiting in the Ville.

edit: wait, Brian? lol, you're not old enough! :lol:

Edited by ReconRat
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