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VW: Phone upgrade


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On Verizon wireless edge. Time to get a new phone. My main use is Pandora and picture taking. Also watch a lot of videos.


The LG G3 looks good but I know shit about new phones. For the above use what are the recommends?

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You are buying in the market at a time when you should wait. S6 coming soon. If you aren't concerned with latest/greatest, I'd get the S5. The M8 is too long and narrow, imo. The G3 is a great phone. Low light camera isn't the best.

I have had them all, so talking from experience.

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You are buying in the market at a time when you should wait. S6 coming soon. If you aren't concerned with latest/greatest, I'd get the S5. The M8 is too long and narrow, imo. The G3 is a great phone. Low light camera isn't the best.

I have had them all, so talking from experience.


S5 is nice but not enough of an upgrade over the S4 that I wouldn't just get a super cheap S4.


G3 is a very good phone.


If you do a lot of multimedia, IMO HTC is the best option because of forward-facing speakers. Also has dual-lens camera.

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The One M8 is garbage. Garbage HTC Bloatware (seriously, they have THE WORST track record with software), garbage camera, and the largest bezels of any modern smartphone PERIOD. Samsung is only moderately better with all their bloat.


If you're buying Android, get something without all the extra software layers like Sense (crap) and Touchwiz (also crap). Motorola puts an EXTREMELY light touch on stock android. If you're on VZW I'd look into the Motorola Droid Turbo ( beefed up 2014 Moto X). The Sony Xperia Z3V is nice, and Sony's Android skin is lighter than Samsung's and HTC's.


Personally, I carry a One Plus One. Love it, but it's an unlocked GSM phone, so you can't use it on VZW.

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HTC's Sense is a lot better than it used to be. A lot of people say it's the only manufacturer skin worth a damn (compared to Samsung Touchwiz, and whatever it is LG calls their skin). Like others have said though, the new HTC One M9 should be coming out soon so I'd at least wait and see what that brings. As far as Samsung...I really really don't like Touchwiz. Apparently they've made it "lighter," meaning it's not as intrusive, but I'm still not a fan. The LG G3 is a really sweet hardware showcase, but it's got some drawbacks. The screen doesn't get very bright, and if you do have it set to maximum brightness they sometimes overheat and will dim the screen until the CPU cools down.


If I was on Verizon right now and had to pick an Android phone it would be the Droid Turbo. Nicely sized (5.2"), high resolution screen, very light modifications to stock Android, and a really nice sized battery. I've heard that Moto's camera software isn't the best, but I believe it's got a 21MP camera.

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Does anyone actually give out a "free" phone anymore, of is everyone trying to get you to pay for it and offer some BS rebate?


Obviously nothing is free... VZW charges a ~$30 activation fee and you are glued to a contract but I have no desire to switch to any other company. So it works for us. I have no desire to buy $600 phones just so I have "freedom" from a contract.

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Does anyone actually give out a "free" phone anymore, of is everyone trying to get you to pay for it and offer some BS rebate?


I haven't paid more than $1 for a phone in about a decade. Latest and "greatest" comes out? Cool. Time to upgrade to the last version for a buck. Never had a prob.

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