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team blocking?


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Chisholm (yami) blocked Reed (zuki)????? what happened..???? what did it look like? I wont be able to see footage till spped channel plays it and that could be next year the way they run the show!!!

a guy said it was the first blackflag in sx history. is this true? WOW now the story is getting good :popcorn:

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It wasnt even that bad. Reed got around him with no prob. That was an excuse to say that is why he lost. Seriously, Chisholm hardly even touched his rear. It could have been bad had he t-boned him like it looked he was trying to do. Rubbing is racing :)

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It wasnt even that bad. Reed got around him with no prob. That was an excuse to say that is why he lost. Seriously, Chisholm hardly even touched his rear. It could have been bad had he t-boned him like it looked he was trying to do. Rubbing is racing :)

come on...it had to be a little shading concideribng it was the first black flag in sx history i would think...but ill wait till i see the footage to judge...where did you see it at? i looked for it on utube but no luck

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It was intentional. The way he came in on Reed was not a "mistake" or getting in too hot...

It was deliberate and I am really surprised Reed didn't go down. I think he got what he deserved in terms of suspension and such. Do I think Reed would have caught and passed Stewart? Ehhhhhh.... The jury is still out on that.

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come on...it had to be a little shading concideribng it was the first black flag in sx history i would think...but ill wait till i see the footage to judge...where did you see it at? i looked for it on utube but no luck

I was watching the race. The way Chisholm came at Reed it did look intentional. He hardly hit him as he missed what he intended to do. He hit Reed on the right side rear at the swingarm. Reed came out of the turn w/out any issues. I wanna say he kept the same line. Chisholm was wrong, but I don't think it changed the outcome.

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I was watching the race. The way Chisholm came at Reed it did look intentional. He hardly hit him as he missed what he intended to do. He hit Reed on the right side rear at the swingarm. Reed came out of the turn w/out any issues. I wanna say he kept the same line. Chisholm was wrong, but I don't think it changed the outcome.


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It was intentional. The way he came in on Reed was not a "mistake" or getting in too hot...

It was deliberate and I am really surprised Reed didn't go down. I think he got what he deserved in terms of suspension and such. Do I think Reed would have caught and passed Stewart? Ehhhhhh.... The jury is still out on that.

no reed wouldnt have passed stewart..and thats the final verdict!

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Reed is a fine rider but he's a fucking whiny bitch.

This year, DeCoster has taken him aside and surely RC has had some input, too. They have coached him rather well as he hasn't complained hardly at all this year. It's actually really great to see as he used to bitch about everything...

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no reed wouldnt have passed stewart..and thats the final verdict!

Again, I am not saying he would have. However, that kind of slam would set him back just enough. We're talking 10ths of a second here in lap times pretty much... I think Reed can pressure James into mistakes.

Nobody will ever know, but I can say that Reed is going to go balls out trying to beat James, but I would play it so that I would be behind him and pressure him into falling down. It's the only way Reed will win as James has a 6 point lead and that's a shit pile to make ground up on...

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Again, I am not saying he would have. However, that kind of slam would set him back just enough. We're talking 10ths of a second here in lap times pretty much... I think Reed can pressure James into mistakes.

Nobody will ever know, but I can say that Reed is going to go balls out trying to beat James, but I would play it so that I would be behind him and pressure him into falling down. It's the only way Reed will win as James has a 6 point lead and that's a shit pile to make ground up on...

i agree for the most part..i just think if stewart doesnt let the pressure get to him and runs his lines smooth, noone will beat him. james is his own biggest enemy on the track when he loses focus.

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It wasnt even that bad. Reed got around him with no prob. That was an excuse to say that is why he lost. Seriously, Chisholm hardly even touched his rear. It could have been bad had he t-boned him like it looked he was trying to do. Rubbing is racing :)

Yeah your right Chisholm barely touched Reed, but if you were watching the race Reed lost like three bike lengths so he slowed him down a ton. And the fact that chisholm was a getting lapped when he pulled his little stunt. Lapped riders are to move to a safe position on the track and let the leaders come through. When chisholm seen the blue flag that should send a trigger in his head that..there is a race coming behind you and your not in it... he got what he deserved by being suspended form vegas.

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Yeah your right Chisholm barely touched Reed, but if you were watching the race Reed lost like three bike lengths so he slowed him down a ton. And the fact that chisholm was a getting lapped when he pulled his little stunt. Lapped riders are to move to a safe position on the track and let the leaders come through. When chisholm seen the blue flag that should send a trigger in his head that..there is a race coming behind you and your not in it... he got what he deserved by being suspended form vegas.

I agree....it slowed him down. That stunt did seal the deal for Bubba

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I dont think chisholm actually meant to hit reed.. i admit he went into that corner way too hot, but dont think he meant to actually hit him in the corner.. all that was just anouncer bs drama...coming from someone who has actually raced supercross, sometimes u dont realize that u need to be lapped, u just see 2 riders passing u and u automaticly hit the gas... i have blocked for a teammate before and i gaurentee that it wouldve been a much better block if it was intentional.. besides reed put stewart off the track once and almost put him down twice.. if i was stewart i wouldve put his whiney ass in the wall when i passed him! ive ridden with stewart and he is the fucking man and unstoppable. thats what wins championships is teammates... watch a damn nascar race and see how far u get w/o blocking towards a championship

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coming from someone who has actually raced supercross, sometimes u dont realize that u need to be lapped, u just see 2 riders passing u and u automaticly hit the gas...

Read my prior comment, the blue flag was waved at chisolm..again the blue flag flag means there a race coming and you are not in it...he knew he was lapped....all comes down to tonight

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