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Running Coaches/Nutrition Help ::UPDATE::


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So the past couple weeks I have tried different things.

-I have hydrated to the point of pissing every 45min to an hour. This did not improve the pain.

-Ive stretched warm and cold muscles differently. Stretching the warm muscles brought on the pain much quicker.

-I have tried different shoes

-Putting cups/risers in my shoes. Hurt more, so..

-Tried changing how I run, less running on my toes and more flat footed. Helped a little.


What has helped is Targeted Compression Sleeves, I can run close to a mile now before the immobilizing pain comes. This is better than the 1/4mi-1/2mi I was getting before the pain came.


What puzzles me, is why is it only when I run? I was in Vegas 2 weeks ago where I walked 30 miles one day, my feet were sore of course but no calf pain. Its like once my calf gets worked, it doesnt stop hurting till I quit moving. I just returned from a run where I got about 0.86 miles then the pain kicked it. I walked the 0.86mi home and it hurt the whole way. As soon as I sat down it went away, not a bit of pain.


I start physical therapy this week for my back with the VA. I have read up on all sorts of calf pain. Apparently kinds of Compartment Syndrome are very common among those who have served in the military. So I will start talking to the VA to have it looked into further.


BTW: Dont tell someone not to YouTube something... I will YouTube it and now have nightmares lol

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Keep working out the variables, see what the doctors say.


Stop eating so much junk to!


Now on the stretching, skip it all together. It serves NO benefit in muscle strains and tears, and in fact does more damage (pre micro tears) then benefit. Do some light active work outs that activate the muscles you will be using in running, some calve raises, walking lunges, knee ups, side lunge, very light jog for 10 minutes then go at a harder pace ect.

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