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Heroes of the Storm


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I have 4 beta keys left for Heroes of the Storm by Blizzard if anyone's interested. If you'd like one, simply pm me. BTW, I don't get anything for this; I'm simply sharing.


Info on the game if you are unaware:




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I have been playing since the Alpha (got my invite on the second week). Being a long time LoL player this was relatively simple to get into. It is hard to find good players because people always neglect map objectives... VERY frustrating!


Feel free to add me on bnet if any of you ever want to play. ShowHBK#1157


I also play WoW and Hearthstone almost everyday if anyone plays those as well.

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Do any of you get into Dota as well?


Never did get into DOTA or DOTA 2. I always did like the DOTA 2 community a lot more then I did the LOL community. The client was so much better in DOTA 2 then the PoS Adobe Air client that Riot uses. Overall I have nothing against DOTA other than it being a little more complicated then LOL and less forgiving.


Though I like to think I am more "pot committed" with league with over 4000+ games played and a more of my own money spent then I would like to admit that I could never switch at this point.

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