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Apple Watch?


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Anyone pick one up yet? I am debating if I should or if I should wait for the next generation.


The prices seem a bit high but then again I have spent a lot more on watches that do not do nearly as much as the Apple Watch.

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I have heard from many people that the Apple Watch is a typical "first generation" product. Many have reported that the Watch is very stylish and functional but battery life is a HUGE problem (like with many smart watches). After a day or so of moderate use you will most likely be left with 20-15% battery from what I see reported. In the end the decision is up to the individual on if they buy one. If you are a fan of Apple, have a new-ish iPhone, and would like the extra device for workouts and notifications then you will be happy. I think the two big hits I have to give the thing are its price and battery life. The price (to me at least) is complete insanity and only someone with plenty of cash to spend will pick one up at a base price of $350. To me, that is a lot to spend on something that is just an accessory to your phone.


If I was still an iPhone user I would wait to pick up the second generation next year. People said that 2014 would be the year of the wearable and in my opinion I feel like across the board the one thing holding them back is battery life at this point. Many companies offer some great options and the software is only getting better by the day, but if you forget to charge these things after a day or so then you better hope you have a spare charger at work or in the car.


Here is a good review of the Apple Watch. I think this guy stays neutral for the most part and sticks to the facts.


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