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I went down


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I highsided last night on my way to QSL for bike night. some car in front of me suddenly slowed down and i had to get on the breaks pretty hard. the rear locked up and like a dumbass i let off of the break, which straighted the bike back up and launched me. my head barely hit (thank god for years of breakfalling in martial arts), my shoulder took most of the impact.

i was only about a mile from home.

banged up my knee, some soreness all over, and a separated shoulder.

my gear held up, hjc cl-sp helmet, joe rocket alter ego textile jacket, jr gloves.

don't know if they will total the bike or not, rear subframe is bent and cracked. forks look messed up, tank is dented, break lever broke, mirrors broke. the fairings are in surprisingly good shape

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Damn, that truly sucks. I was hoping to see a couple of you guys at QSL last night. We left at about 8:30 or so. I guess that kind of explains why I didn't see you there.

Hope you get better quickly.

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i was kinda hoping they would total it. after a wreck like that (the bike bounced several times) i don't know if i could trust the repairs.

anyone know a good orthopedic doc in akron? it seems when i call and say i need to see someone today cause i wrecked last night, they want me to go to the ER. er didn't want t o do anything but xrays, sling and send me home with instructions to see an ortho. this is pissing me off

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wow dude, that sucks!

I was there at QSL calling and in my mind I was thinking that you probably just couldn't hear your phone... but in the back of my mind I was hoping that nothing like this happened... damn that sucks. Didn't you just get that bike? :(

Hope everything turns out alright... sounds like they will total your bike, so you'll have the fun of picking out a new one... most importantly take care of yourself!

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