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Goodbye old friend. RIP Janky Rx7


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And you thought the shock towers weren't bent ...


Tops of the towers are in place...the roll bar is a proper rear cage and triangulates on the towers and kept them in place. The rest of the car folded around them though.


Ohlins actually came away with relatively little damage

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Thanks Adam. I definitely lucked out with the rearward hit...if you call hitting the wall lucky. The crazy thing is that lot of the car was salvageable. I'm keeping the motor, trans, diff, ECU, suspension and brakes all for the new car. The rear subframe crumpled and took the majority of the load so it didn't even bend the suspension arms, toe links, or trailing arms or wheels for that matter. The PPF and driveshaft took the brunt of the other force leaving the trans and diff. I guess I won't know for sure until I can road test those parts but they were outwardly ok.


Lots of parts off of the car have been getting sold off so hopefully the spirit of Janky will live on. BTW, here's what it looks like to watch an old friend get out out to pasture.



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Yeah that last part was rough to watch. They didn't mess around either by the time we turned the truck and trailer around it was completely gone from sight. Got a whole whopping $47 for the shell too! Haha. Cost that much for the salvage title and gas to take it there.
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