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Accelerated Performance vs OKC...


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Accelerated built my BRZFRSGT86. Don and his crew are good guys and have treated me well. They don't run on a big budget, so I'm happy to contribute to his effort. If you disapprove of him asking for funding, you have the luxury of not giving. :p
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agreed, i don't like this.


likewise with local situations, CD1025 looking for their broadcast license or the food truck Sweet Carrot asking for money to open their restaurant. oh, cool... a $5 t-shirt for a $50 "investment???" gee thanks.


these guys have other revenue streams. this isn't charity

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Accelerated built my BRZFRSGT86. Don and his crew are good guys and have treated me well. They don't run on a big budget, so I'm happy to contribute to his effort. If you disapprove of him asking for funding, you have the luxury of not giving. :p


I don't know if there is any way I can like this post more. you don't want to support it? don't give any money. It's a simple premise. I don't think anybody is confused about this being not charity - but since when do you have to give money only to charity?


People think these shows are big budget and have the money to spend to get other people involved but it is not the case. the TV show usually doesn't make any money for the stars directly. They make their money off merch and secondary revenue streams. Most of these TV shops are still shop 1st, and then merch retailers second and TV guys usually 4th or 5th down the list.


Point is, If you know them and like them, or maybe you just like the show and want to see a serious import car "race" a v8 car on TV, here is an opportunity to help make something happen. If not, last I checked nobody is holding a gun to your head. People have been "passing the hat" for centuries and not really for the most charitable reason.


For all the people that want to just shit on this...think in your life when you had a really good opportunity and couldn't pull it off because you couldn't get the funds together and what you would have done to do that. If you have never hard that experience maybe you just aren't trying that hard at life.

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For all the people that want to just shit on this...think in your life when you had a really good opportunity and couldn't pull it off because you couldn't get the funds together and what you would have done to do that. If you have never hard that experience maybe you just aren't trying that hard at life.


didn't know stating our opinion was shitting? what is a forum for again?


think of it as a thread bump

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Accelerated built my BRZFRSGT86. Don and his crew are good guys and have treated me well.


I know Don personally, and he does great work out of his shop. But, if you have seen his house, you would not donate any money for something that will


1) be a write off


2) he can easily afford.


3) Will likely net him more business!!!!


There are many, many more things one can donate their money towards that have meaning and will impact our community. This is silly.

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I know Don personally, and he does great work out of his shop. But, if you have seen his house, you would not donate any money for something that will


1) be a write off


2) he can easily afford.


3) Will likely net him more business!!!!


There are many, many more things one can donate their money towards that have meaning and will impact our community. This is silly.






I understand it's a free country, and I could easily decide to not donate but the fact people even ask for this shit is disgusting.

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Any business running a Gofundme/Kickstarter etc. is a fucking disgrace IMO. I don't care what the reason is. Your business has failed to meet it's goal if you need a donation bucket. I'd love to see some Ohio boys on the show, but if they can't do it on their own, they don't need to be there.
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I know Don personally, and he does great work out of his shop. But, if you have seen his house, you would not donate any money for something that will


1) be a write off


2) he can easily afford.


3) Will likely net him more business!!!!


There are many, many more things one can donate their money towards that have meaning and will impact our community. This is silly.


This man speaks the truth! Nailed it.

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Shoot the exposure he will get from this will make his money back and then some.

What 2 million people watch this show on a night? He will get enough from that.


E begging has become crazy now days and people will ask for anything.


Asking to donate to charity? Awesome happy to support.


Asking for money to go racing and be on tv in front of millions? GTFO pay your own way.

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I saw something a couple months back where some guy bought a new Challenger or something, immediately modded the shit out of it, then when the trans broke started advertising a gofundme all over facebook. And people donated a few grand within a day because he is a "good guy who deserves to get his badass car back on the road" :rolleyes:
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didn't know stating our opinion was shitting? what is a forum for again?


think of it as a thread bump


so opinions are ok, but opinions on opinions are not. gotcha. Lolz.


People can spend their money any way they want. Who cares if they decide to spend it on something they find entertaining.

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I saw something a couple months back where some guy bought a new Challenger or something, immediately modded the shit out of it, then when the trans broke started advertising a gofundme all over facebook. And people donated a few grand within a day because he is a "good guy who deserves to get his badass car back on the road" :rolleyes:


So what's wrong with that? Being a "good guy" shouldn't be rewarded once in a while? Nobody here as passed the hat at the track for their buddy with a broken race car/bike/boat/plane that needed something in a pinch? I find that hard to believe.


Want to know the great part about kickstarter/gofundme/etc...crowd funding sites? if a project really has no visible value demonstrable to the public the thing doesn't get funded. as far as the gofundme under discussion - we will just have to wait and see if it happens or not.

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If people want to be generous and donate however they see fit, hey, let em live. But if you plan on asking people for money, at least beg for a good reason. Some of these gofundme deals just seem like really shitty ways of asking for charity towards a really shitty cause.
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Want to know the great part about kickstarter/gofundme/etc...crowd funding sites? if a project really has no visible value demonstrable to the public the thing doesn't get funded. as far as the gofundme under discussion - we will just have to wait and see if it happens or not.


Shut up. Did you even read his Gofundme? He's literally drawing strictly on star power with no real project at all. Just a "in case shit breaks, lol!" fund. There is absolutely nothing productive about this. Furthermore, I'm no expert, but I'd take a guess and say that if something that costs $5k breaks, he won't be racing on TV regardless of money. That's a massive overhaul that probably needs parts shipped overnight from Japan.


OH WOW, he raised the fucking cap. It was getting close to the $5k goal so he raised it to $7.5k. You know, in case he wants to buy another car on the way.


What a piece of shit.

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If people want to be generous and donate however they see fit, hey, let em live. But if you plan on asking people for money, at least beg for a good reason. Some of these gofundme deals just seem like really shitty ways of asking for charity towards a really shitty cause.


to you..to the person "begging" maybe not so much.


yeah they have a quality control issue, but then again that's kind of the point. Put anything up there and let the market determine if it has "value". It's kind of the heart of free market economics.

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