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Accelerated Performance vs OKC...


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Shut up.




He's literally drawing strictly on star power with no real project at all. Just a "in case shit breaks, lol!" fund....but I'd take a guess and say that if something that costs $5k breaks, he won't be racing on TV regardless of money.



So you are his accountant then? you know how his business works? You work in the industry and you have inside info? no?


Furthermore, I'm no expert,


There is a shocker!!! Clearly. I have a news flash for you - Studios don't pay for movies to get made out of pocket either. They beg people for money and promise a monetary return on investment. Here your ROI isn't money it's in entertainment value and maybe a warm fuzzy feeling and a t-shirt.



Here's a question - There has to be at least one guy on this site who does dragweek or something similar, if they are willing to chime in, how much does it cost? I betcha it ain't cheap.


I look at it this way - if the dude wants to be on TV and not look like a joke (insert joke about people on TV here) he has to roll out the best effort he can. And that costs. I highly doubt this is even going to cost him the $7.5K he's asking - it will probably be more and he'll have to put his own money into it.

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to you..to the person "begging" maybe not so much.


yeah they have a quality control issue, but then again that's kind of the point. Put anything up there and let the market determine if it has "value". It's kind of the heart of free market economics.


If I can afford a new Challenger and afford to mod it, I should have no problem affording the repair costs when I break it. How can that guy accept donations for his repair bill when that money would be much better off going to people who can barely afford a roof over their heads or putting food on the table?


Fix your expensive toy with your own fucking money. If you can't afford to fix it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

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If I can afford a new Challenger and afford to mod it, I should have no problem affording the repair costs when I break it. How can that guy accept donations for his repair bill when that money would be much better off going to people who can barely afford a roof over their heads or putting food on the table?


Fix your expensive toy with your own fucking money. If you can't afford to fix it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.


except he didn't have to. He put enough karma in the world and was "a good enough guy" that when something bad happened enough people didn't want to see him struggle even a little. Ya know what? it happens.


You are trying to defeat an economic principle with a moral argument based on your own morals as an outsider to the transaction. Of course you don't get it, and you aren't supposed to because there is no ROI for you.

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For real.


I will start a go fund me to make 1000whp on a stock LS1. If we hit 2k, I will toss 2 340's int he tank and turn up till she blow up.



Whaddyasay CR?


This is more of a physical project than "in case shit breaks, lol!" I'm in for $15k.

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except he didn't have to. He put enough karma in the world and was "a good enough guy" that when something bad happened enough people didn't want to see him struggle even a little. Ya know what? it happens.


You are trying to defeat an economic principle with a moral argument based on your own morals as an outsider to the transaction. Of course you don't get it, and you aren't supposed to because there is no ROI for you.


No one has time to read what you type........ever. Hit us with 5 or 6 short responses.


And dude needs to gtfo with the gofundme shit. I'm brutal, I know. Sorry.

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I know Don personally, and he does great work out of his shop. But, if you have seen his house, you would not donate any money for something that will


1) be a write off


2) he can easily afford.


3) Will likely net him more business!!!!


There are many, many more things one can donate their money towards that have meaning and will impact our community. This is silly.


Your words are not lost on me, JP. I agree that we should make an effort to spend our money on things that can accomplish sustainable good ... get the most "bang" from our buck.


I'm sure many people would disapprove of the choices I've made on donating money, just as they disagree with my decisions about things I've bought. But they have all been my choices, and I believe I'll be the one who will have to account for them all, foolish as well as wise.


In this case I gave money to a friend trying to show that he can engineer and build a small, "ricer" motor to take on big block V8's. If he asked me for the donation in person, I would have slipped him a C-note just that fast. You think it goes towards his mortgage? I think it pays for another of his shop crew to go to OK. I don't think either belief tells the whole story, and I'm not deluding myself that this money is vaccinating children in Africa or building homes for quake victims in Nepal.


I appreciate reading your viewpoint and those of others.

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I started a GoFund account for Shanton as a joke to help him get a woman. It raised like 70 or 80 dollars.


Point being people will give to the cause regard of what it is. If he "beats" them, whomever gave money will relish in the fact they helped.

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Your words are not lost on me, JP. I agree that we should make an effort to spend our money on things that can accomplish sustainable good ... get the most "bang" from our buck.


I'm sure many people would disapprove of the choices I've made on donating money, just as they disagree with my decisions about things I've bought. But they have all been my choices, and I believe I'll be the one who will have to account for them all, foolish as well as wise.


In this case I gave money to a friend trying to show that he can engineer and build a small, "ricer" motor to take on big block V8's. If he asked me for the donation in person, I would have slipped him a C-note just that fast. You think it goes towards his mortgage? I think it pays for another of his shop crew to go to OK. I don't think either belief tells the whole story, and I'm not deluding myself that this money is vaccinating children in Africa or building homes for quake victims in Nepal.


I appreciate reading your viewpoint and those of others.



Your point is valid.

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I don't know if there is any way I can like this post more. you don't want to support it? don't give any money. It's a simple premise. I don't think anybody is confused about this being not charity - but since when do you have to give money only to charity?


People think these shows are big budget and have the money to spend to get other people involved but it is not the case. the TV show usually doesn't make any money for the stars directly. They make their money off merch and secondary revenue streams. Most of these TV shops are still shop 1st, and then merch retailers second and TV guys usually 4th or 5th down the list.


Point is, If you know them and like them, or maybe you just like the show and want to see a serious import car "race" a v8 car on TV, here is an opportunity to help make something happen. If not, last I checked nobody is holding a gun to your head. People have been "passing the hat" for centuries and not really for the most charitable reason.


For all the people that want to just shit on this...think in your life when you had a really good opportunity and couldn't pull it off because you couldn't get the funds together and what you would have done to do that. If you have never hard that experience maybe you just aren't trying that hard at life.


Every time you post I immediately want to cut myself.

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I don't know if there is any way I can like this post more. you don't want to support it? don't give any money. It's a simple premise. I don't think anybody is confused about this being not charity - but since when do you have to give money only to charity?


People think these shows are big budget and have the money to spend to get other people involved but it is not the case. the TV show usually doesn't make any money for the stars directly. They make their money off merch and secondary revenue streams. Most of these TV shops are still shop 1st, and then merch retailers second and TV guys usually 4th or 5th down the list.


Point is, If you know them and like them, or maybe you just like the show and want to see a serious import car "race" a v8 car on TV, here is an opportunity to help make something happen. If not, last I checked nobody is holding a gun to your head. People have been "passing the hat" for centuries and not really for the most charitable reason.


For all the people that want to just shit on this...think in your life when you had a really good opportunity and couldn't pull it off because you couldn't get the funds together and what you would have done to do that. If you have never hard that experience maybe you just aren't trying that hard at life.



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So you are his accountant then? you know how his business works? You work in the industry and you have inside info? no?




There is a shocker!!! Clearly. I have a news flash for you - Studios don't pay for movies to get made out of pocket either. They beg people for money and promise a monetary return on investment. Here your ROI isn't money it's in entertainment value and maybe a warm fuzzy feeling and a t-shirt.



Here's a question - There has to be at least one guy on this site who does dragweek or something similar, if they are willing to chime in, how much does it cost? I betcha it ain't cheap.


I look at it this way - if the dude wants to be on TV and not look like a joke (insert joke about people on TV here) he has to roll out the best effort he can. And that costs. I highly doubt this is even going to cost him the $7.5K he's asking - it will probably be more and he'll have to put his own money into it.


Racing is expensive, if you can't do something at this level, let alone when you run a shop it might best to stay home.


Besides, the show is rigged because if the guys from OKC really flexed their muscles nobody would show, let alone be dumb enough to bet.

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Racing is expensive, if you can't do something at this level, let alone when you run a shop it might best to stay home.


Besides, the show is rigged because if the guys from OKC really flexed their muscles nobody would show, let alone be dumb enough to bet.


At what level? I'm pretty sure dude is racing already and this is an unforeseen added expense for him trying to do something out of the normal budget.


I don't think anybody here is laboring under the illusion that the show is not scripted, stages, and rigged in some way. as for "flexing" their muscles I am not sure what you mean - racing on beat to shit public or semi public roads without traction prep is a huge limitation on power, I'm sure everyone has to turn it down just so the cars don't just whip 180s right of the line and plow through fields and crap.


When you are holding yourself out on TV as "the fastest" there will always be someone to challenge that. I'm sure they pick guys with impressive looking setups that they know they can beat because there is no shortage of people who want to be on TV.

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Why not just have okc come to Ohio and take a lot of expense out of the equation. They have shown they are willing to travel. And I'm sure there is more than one car here that would run them


I'd donate to that cause. Pull in the big hitters like Ray, Ohio boys, and ips.

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So what's wrong with that? Being a "good guy" shouldn't be rewarded once in a while? Nobody here as passed the hat at the track for their buddy with a broken race car/bike/boat/plane that needed something in a pinch? I find that hard to believe.


Want to know the great part about kickstarter/gofundme/etc...crowd funding sites? if a project really has no visible value demonstrable to the public the thing doesn't get funded. as far as the gofundme under discussion - we will just have to wait and see if it happens or not.


to you..to the person "begging" maybe not so much.


yeah they have a quality control issue, but then again that's kind of the point. Put anything up there and let the market determine if it has "value". It's kind of the heart of free market economics.








So you are his accountant then? you know how his business works? You work in the industry and you have inside info? no?




There is a shocker!!! Clearly. I have a news flash for you - Studios don't pay for movies to get made out of pocket either. They beg people for money and promise a monetary return on investment. Here your ROI isn't money it's in entertainment value and maybe a warm fuzzy feeling and a t-shirt.



Here's a question - There has to be at least one guy on this site who does dragweek or something similar, if they are willing to chime in, how much does it cost? I betcha it ain't cheap.


I look at it this way - if the dude wants to be on TV and not look like a joke (insert joke about people on TV here) he has to roll out the best effort he can. And that costs. I highly doubt this is even going to cost him the $7.5K he's asking - it will probably be more and he'll have to put his own money into it.


except he didn't have to. He put enough karma in the world and was "a good enough guy" that when something bad happened enough people didn't want to see him struggle even a little. Ya know what? it happens.


You are trying to defeat an economic principle with a moral argument based on your own morals as an outsider to the transaction. Of course you don't get it, and you aren't supposed to because there is no ROI for you.


At what level? I'm pretty sure dude is racing already and this is an unforeseen added expense for him trying to do something out of the normal budget.


I don't think anybody here is laboring under the illusion that the show is not scripted, stages, and rigged in some way. as for "flexing" their muscles I am not sure what you mean - racing on beat to shit public or semi public roads without traction prep is a huge limitation on power, I'm sure everyone has to turn it down just so the cars don't just whip 180s right of the line and plow through fields and crap.


When you are holding yourself out on TV as "the fastest" there will always be someone to challenge that. I'm sure they pick guys with impressive looking setups that they know they can beat because there is no shortage of people who want to be on TV.



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At what level? I'm pretty sure dude is racing already and this is an unforeseen added expense for him trying to do something out of the normal budget.


I don't think anybody here is laboring under the illusion that the show is not scripted, stages, and rigged in some way. as for "flexing" their muscles I am not sure what you mean - racing on beat to shit public or semi public roads without traction prep is a huge limitation on power, I'm sure everyone has to turn it down just so the cars don't just whip 180s right of the line and plow through fields and crap.


When you are holding yourself out on TV as "the fastest" there will always be someone to challenge that. I'm sure they pick guys with impressive looking setups that they know they can beat because there is no shortage of people who want to be on TV.



I have not seen them out with anything in years, not since Jamie's car was up at the World Cup race. Racing is a lot of unforeseen expenses, and if you are trying to field a heads up car you better have a boat load of cash that you are ready to spend.


I've seen these cars a few times in action, worked on one, interviewed the stars of the show, and shot pictures of them closer than most have. Pretty sure I have a better idea than most of what these cars can do.


A few cars in this video might have made the show :)


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