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I just bought a new black truck and need to wax it. Whats the new hotness in wax for a black vehicle? Don't really care about price if its worth the money. I would like to buy it locally too if possible since I want to wax it tomorrow. Thanks
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Is it brand new? is the paint perfect?


There was another thread on products for black recently and as I stated there, while I do have a favorite product that I like when I"m 2 inches from the paint, for the most part they're all going to look somewhat similar and the majority of the look is going to come from the finish of the paint (prep and polishing work) under the layer of protection.


Local is going to make it even more difficult. Meguiars NXT sealant is ok and can be found almost anywhere. Durability is average at best and will get you maybe 30 days before you need to wax again.


Does Buckeye Nissan still sell Zaino products? Z2 is finicky to use on black but would offer great protection. Z5 looks "better" on black, covers up things a little better and subjectively looks a little deeper but gives up in durability some. Expect 3-6 months out of either of those products on black in the heat if summer.


Coatings would last you quite a bit of time. Prep is key to longevity if you don't prep correctly you may not get max life out of the coating. Done properly you could get 12-24 months of protection out of most of them. Usually they aren't available locally but we're fortunate that in a pinch we've got Todd (Esoteric) in town and he carries stock of all of the products that he sells over in New Albany.



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Im a huge fan of the Black Turtle Wax stuff. I do a lot of offroad so I have a bazilliion "pinstripes" from trees and brush. This stuff helps hide a lot of it and doesnt infill anything with any white haze. Works great on black and I would highly recommend it. Can get it most anywhere too.
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