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Jump #25

Dr. Apex

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This past weekend I completed my 25th jump and earned my A License in skydiving. Anyone who hasn't tried this is missing out!!


Landing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umt7zPleVjI


Jump #25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWEUuRbaQQw


Both vids taken by my coach. Think I might make a hobby out of this!

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Dude, that's a perfectly good aircraft you are jumping out of.....


Yes it is, but still I don't think you'll catch me in one of those without a chute as old as these planes are.


Good stuff! Congratulations on your progression.




it's a lot of fun, but really expensive... You brought back flashbacks for me... crazy


How many jumps do you have? It's taken me 6mos to get this many jumps in because of the cost but its well worth it.


Congrats, I was mad weather would not let me jump last Wednesday and now the season is over :(


That sucks, we jump year round here but it tapers off in the summer and we do mostly sunrise jumps, great thing about here though is even if its 100 degrees on the ground its 60 degrees at 10k feet.


just curious... minus equipment... how much did it take to get your license?


AFF is $1600 for the first 7 jumps assuming you don't have to repeat any levels. I'd guess with my coach jumps etc I'm around $2500 or so not including wind tunnel time. I've worked hard at making sure I passed my AFF quickly and was efficient at my Proficiency card by checking off everything I could on every jump. My DZ is small and much more affordable than a place like Eloy which helps and the owner has given me a lot of helpful advice and even cut me a few breaks on gear rental and such which helped. The next hurdle is purchasing a rig, my DZO says he has one for me so I just need to get the cash together for it but I'll still have to use rental gear for a while until I can downsize my chute.

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How many jumps do you have? It's taken me 6mos to get this many jumps in because of the cost but its well worth it


Only did it once... never really saw the point in doing it again... it was a lot of money for a 5 minute thrill ride that I only did in the first place because I was trying to get over my fear of heights... and no it didn't cure it.

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That's awesome - congrats.


BTW, with that goatee, the glasses, the black headwear, and the yellow jumpsuit, you look like a flying Heisenberg.


Thanks lol! The jumpsuit is DZ loaner gear, a jumpsuit of my own is the next purchase, prefer not to look like a flying banana.


Only did it once... never really saw the point in doing it again... it was a lot of money for a 5 minute thrill ride that I only did in the first place because I was trying to get over my fear of heights... and no it didn't cure it.


Gotcha, I've really come to enjoy it and plan to do it as long as possible. It is an expensive hobby but no more so than cars really, once you get over the initial expenses it's only as expensive as you make it.

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I never did tandem, went right into AFF but the coach jumps can be nearly as expensive. My DZO already has a rig in mind for me, just need to get some cash together and am already learning to pack my own though $5/pack is more than reasonable.
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