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Older aluminum siding matches


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I realize this is a needle in a hay stack question, but can anyone recommend in Columbus a place that may have older aluminum siding. The home was built in the 60's in Gahanna and I am looking to close in the back door to the yard to help expand counter space in the kitchen without having to do siding all around. It's not that I need a big amount, just enough to be able to cover the area of a standard door.


Thank you in advance,



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You are probably out of luck, unless you come across some old timer with the same color as yours, and held on to extra.


Have you considered redoing the area in stone? Stone almost always looks better and you will never have the issue you do now. It might be $2 more per sq ft Vs siding, but it fixes a lot of other issues in the long run. Menard's has some pretty good options.


Good luck.

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When I was looking for my 70's era siding, I took a scrap piece to any place that I could find. Finally some older gentleman directed me to a supply house and they didn't have it exact but it was a ~90% match. I ended up replacing some full pieces from an inconspicuous area and used the original in the more obvious spots.
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