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Apparently DJ's lecture didn't quite resonate. So here we are again.


Keep in mind I warned you, several times, that I didn't want to do this, I didn't want to own you like a bitch, but you just had to keep running your mouth.


Lesson 1: Judgementalism not only makes you look like an idiot, but can also be dangerous.

First things first, I talk a lot of stupid shit in Chatbox, no doubt. I've been doing it since day 1. Similar to Doug Demuro and his Car Videos, I put on a “show” in Chatbox derived solely with the intent of drawing lulz (I love the Lulz). I've straight told you this a dozen times over, yet for some reason you keep judging me on the stupid shit I say in there. I don't know if you're an idiot, I don't know if you have a personality disorder, I don't know what the fuck is the matter with you but for the last godamn time: IM TROLLING. Also, im well aware i've trolled a little too hard, hit CB up a little too much. I'll be the first to admit that, and the first to admit im going to take some time to back off.


For the last two years I've used CB as a place to escape the absolute vomit-inducing hell-hole that has been my life. Helping your Father as he rapidly looses his ability to walk, while you yourself are beginning to loose your ability to walk (from the same untreatable inherited disease) all while everyone else in your family is going absolutely batshit insane is quite the experience. A lot of people turn to drugs or alcohol in these circumstances; I turned to ChatBox.


At any rate be careful when you judge someone, then proceed to attack them personally based on said judgements. You gotta make sure you don't have them wrong, shit can be dangerous bro. I know you've gotten death threats from other people on Facebook, so it appears you may have been in this position before. That should have been your cue to tone things down a bit, ESPECIALLY, if you can't back up a single godamn thing you say...Which leads us to lesson 2: Don't talk shit you can't back up, Don't claim you're a man when your actually a Bitch.

Lesson 2: Don't talk shit you can't back up, Don't claim you're a man when your actually a Bitch.


For the love of God, when it comes to personal attacks, be goddamn prepared to back that shit up.


Before you go on and on and on and on about someone's personal flaws, (and more or less accuse them of not being a man) make damn sure that when push comes to shove you aren't the one that ends up being bent the fuck over like a Bitch.


After all the tough guy, real-man shit you talk, after all the shit you say about me, I finally say enough is enough and call you out: How does your lil bitch-made ass respond? You tell me to “stop harassing you”


Are.You.Fucking.Serious? STAPH HARRASING MEH! What kind of bullshit is that? I may not be a tried and true example of a man, but shit dude, I never have nor ever will use that word. It has been my long standing opinion that “Harassment” was a term invented solely for use by Women and Fucking faggots. What kind of man tells another man to Stop Harassing him?


And another thing, when someone pulls your card, when someone calls you on your bullshit, either back that shit up or bow the fuck down. What do you do? You threaten to call your lawyer. :dumb: :lolguy:. Man, you might as well have threatened to call your Mom. Fucking LOL.


Lesson 3: Respect someone who says they have Mental Health Issues.

Yes, I have my issues. I have my problems. I've been through more shit then you can shake a stick at. I'd list everything but honestly (honestly), it would take to long. Thing of it is 85% of the time im Man enough deal with my problems to the extent it appears there ain't a godamn thing wrong. Honestly, Im a bit too good at dealing with my own issues; I play things off too well. I play things off so well judgmental motherfuckers, such as yourself, go out assuming shit and filling in the blanks. It happens all the time. More often then not I just put up with it, as explaining who I am and what i've been through would simply take too much time. That said there's a few people out there, such as yourself, that will just run wild with assumptions until you shut them the fuck down. I don't like nor take pride in doing such, but sometimes it has to be done.


Yes, I texted you somethings that were out of line. Yes, I have some issues. Man, I've been through a lot of shit. A lot. My text was meant as a warning that you were pushing things to far. A warning I was seriously about to unload on you. A warning that despite my overall good-natured personality I had the potential to become seriously violent given the nature of your attacks. In the weeks prior I tried every last thing I could to bring about a peaceful resolution: all failed, and when all else fails a part of me (very small part) gets angry and violent. That small part of me was once bigger, however through Education and Personal discipline I've managed to reduce it to almost nothing. That said, im not perfect. I wanted to give you the heads up that you were hitting that spot, and to back off. You took that warning and tried to use it, as usual, as ammo to try and paint me as a person that I am not. Big surprise there.


Im summation, dude, im not even really mad at you, never was. Im not going to hurt you, never was. Just felt that you were getting close to a part of me that I work to keep locked up, and that you needed to be notified of that fact


I take no pleasure in calling you out, but it had to be done. I hope you've learned a lesson from all this.

Edited by acklac7
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1. Who is Grant?

2. Why are you airing it out here? Did private environments only itch the issue?

3. Your theme is "I know I have mental problems but I contain them".... I disagree. Seek help (not meant to be a jab)


im so confused...


Are you mad or not?


Also, yes, who is grant?

geeesammy is grant

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1. Who is Grant?

2. Why are you airing it out here? Did private environments only itch the issue?

3. Your theme is "I know I have mental problems but I contain them".... I disagree. Seek help (not meant to be a jab)


Im airing it out here because people need to know this dude is full of shit. He comes off as hard-as-fuck, total bad-ass, indestructible manly ass man. Yet when his card gets pulled and he's forced to back his shit up he acts like a Bitch.


I have problems, and for the most part I can contain them. That said this dude needs put in his place, plain and simple.

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im so confused...


Are you mad or not?


Also, yes, who is grant?


Not mad, but getting Irritated. I've tried to get through to him several times VIA normal, respectful communication channels: He just laughs it off and talks shit.


Figured if I'd stoop to his level and roll him the fuck out he'd might understand what I was trying to say.

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what's chatbox?


bareknuckle boxing, then hug it out bros


I opened my arms for hugs, only to get ignored and labled a "bitch" for doing so.


Even still, I politely pressed on and again tried to reason with young Grant. Ignored. Then he comes back drunk and running his mouth, talking mad shit.


I probably should have brought this up in chat box, but I know you guys have just about had enough of us going back and forth. Frankly, I've had just about enough of it myself.

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Here's my piece of unsolicited advice, not directed at anyone in particular:


When your situation is so overwhelming that you feel forced into resorting to violence or threats of violence,



It's better to leave people wondering why you aren't posting than wondering why you are.

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Here's my piece of unsolicited advice, not directed at anyone in particular:


When your situation is so overwhelming that you feel forced into resorting to violence or threats of violence,



It's better to leave people wondering why you aren't posting than wondering why you are.


So Grant Says this, Grant says that. Fact of the matter you can't trust shit Grant says when it comes to me. He's either going to twist things up to make me look as bad as possible, or he's going to straight lie.


Never threatened Grant. Never threatened to show up at his house with a Baseball Bat.


I simply stated I had some anger issues back when I was younger, expanded upon those issues and maybe embellished them a tiny bit to help send a message. That message was NOT that I was going to hurt him, rather he needed to stop his persistent attacks or else I had the potential to get really mad.


I Then told Grant that I wasn't quite sure I could control my anger anymore and would be taking a break from CR.


No surprise here, he took what I said, then went and twisted it around to try and make me look as bad as he possibly could. All while he knew I wasn't going to be on here to defend any of it.


That's where I said enough is enough, people have to see this dude for who he is, and started this thread.

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I opened my arms for hugs, only to get ignored and labled a "bitch" for doing so.


Even still, I politely pressed on and again tried to reason with young Grant. Ignored. Then he comes back drunk and running his mouth, talking mad shit.


I probably should have brought this up in chat box, but I know you guys have just about had enough of us going back and forth. Frankly, I've had just about enough of it myself.


To correct the record, I've not been "drunk" in Chatbox in like 2 years.


Carry on.

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So Grant Says this, Grant says that. Fact of the matter you can't trust shit Grant says when it comes to me. He's either going to twist things up to make me look as bad as possible, or he's going to straight lie.


Never threatened Grant. Never threatened to show up at his house with a Baseball Bat.


I simply stated I had some anger issues back when I was younger, expanded upon those issues and maybe embellished them a tiny bit to help send a message. That message was NOT that I was going to hurt him, rather he needed to stop his persistent attacks or else I had the potential to get really mad.


I Then told Grant that I wasn't quite sure I could control my anger anymore and would be taking a break from CR.


No surprise here, he took what I said, then went and twisted it around to try and make me look as bad as he possibly could. All while he new I wasn't here to defend any of it.


That's where I said enough is enough, people have to see this dude for who he is, and started this thread.


So this isn't you?



Your friend on here who contacted me implied you aren't stable mentally, which is obviously true. I ignored your texts for a good reason. You can try to "show who I am" as much as you want, but I can bet most anyone who has met me knows Id help anyone out who needs it as I've demonstrated before. I've driven across town with tools to help people out on here, plus loads more that is irrelevant, I don't need to prove anything because I couldn't care less what someone says about me on here.

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Thats me, and yea, I forgot about the part where I said I was afraid I might seriously hurt you.


Thats a far cry from what you just said 5 minutes ago in CB about me threatening to "Show up to your house with a Baseball bat".


And the killing people thing, maybe embellished that a bit. I aint a killa but don't push me. (No, thats not directed at you, it's a joke).


Everything else, yea, it's the truth. I figured you should get the full picture so you knew exactly who you were messing with. Because Grant, you were talking an awful lot of shit.

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