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Calling All Gun Guys


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It absolutely is 100% the same rhetoric. If you can't see that, I can not continue this conversation.


Rhetoric is the same, I have no problem agreeing on that.


What im arguing is the Rhetoric is coming from both sides. His own party doesn't like him and is scared shitless. This is a first (or second) for this Country and is cause for some serious concern. Especially given Trumps personal History and lack of Political experience.


an answer to your original question --- in our lifetime we will never have to worry about our guns being taken away. As stated before, there would be a bloodbath of a war before that happened. Take that to the bank.


I know that, the Democrats know that, others on here do not. Which is why I started this thread.

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And INB4 Trump makes Gun Control / Gun Rights a HUGE issue during the Presidential Campaign. Preying on peoples ludicrous fears, then gaining popularity via the hysterical media frenzy that follows is classic Trump (and Classic Hitler for that matter).
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My thought is this thread is started with you supporting Clinton, with a redirect of you saying Trump is the better of the two, but you say you're worried about gun issues.


No one is taking our guns. British and Aussi confiscation/sell back can never work here because the threat of imprisonment can't be supported, do to our courts and prisons being overwhelmed already. Confiscation would cost too much, to an already strained financial situation.


So back to be realistic. Clinton let Americans die over sea's and tried to cover it up. There is not a good candidate with strong numbers.

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My thought is this thread is started with you supporting Clinton, with a redirect of you saying Trump is the better of the two, but you say you're worried about gun issues.


I don't like Hillary Clinton. I don't think she should be President.


Im terrified of Donald Trump, and will buy a Gun *In Preparation* to defend myself/this country if he gets Elected President.


Im not worried about Gun issues, im worried about Gun control issues becoming a senseless issue in this Election.


Am I worried Donald Trump will use Gun-Control rhetoric as a tool to split Pro-Gun advocates apart at the seams, in some desperate attempt to gain the Presidency? Absolutely.


I mean seriously, say Donald Trump made the 2A a massive issue in his Campaign. How many of you guys would have trouble NOT voting for him?

Edited by acklac7
*In Preparation*
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"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Some Old Guys - July 4, 1776


Amendment II


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

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Pretty spot on. Typical bait thread to preach about who you support while talking others down ordeal.




I cant even comment in this thread. Its worthless speaking to any dem or person who thinks the country is going to shit even if Trump is elected. Hillary or any thing dem is more of a threat to the long term success of our country. Luckily we had a repub house that limited Obama's/Dem insanity and thats what will happen if Trump wins. Shit moves on, no one will force your guns or 401k away from you. Travel the world and see how good we have it. Media is for the sheep.

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At this point IMO the most likely people to run the Executive branch next year will be Ted Cruz and Kasich as VP. Trump doesn't have enough support within the party and his momentum has an expiration date IMO. Cruz will ignite the evangelical base late in the race and has the conservative chops to earn the support of the GOP, even though he's definitely not their preferred candidate (Rubio is but he got sucked into Trump's vortex of fuckery by responding to it too much). What Cruz doesn't have is the fiscal background that Kasich has, and if he's learned from the mistakes of his predecessors, he won't land a bombastic running mate, he'll land one that gives him credibility and will be happy to stay in the shadows only to pop his head out to take a shit all over Hilldawg's fiscal ideas when called upon.


The biggest danger that Trump poses is that IF he wins the GOP nom by some miracle, he's made it clear he has no qualms about dragging opponents through the mud. He'll shit all over Hillary in personal attacks and give no fucks about her response. he could win the election purely by slinging enough mud to make Hillary slightly more unelectable than he is.


FWIW I'm a raging moderate and this is the first election I've seriously considered voting outside of either party because all candidates aside from Kasich are just so utterly retarded and incapable of leading a nation.

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LOL @ me starting a thread to secretly gain support for a Female president.


The only thing worse then Hillary Clinton is Donald Trump.


The American Political systems is about to get royally fucked with. Shit could hit the fan here real fast. All I hear from the Pro-Gun 2A people are the same-old same-old arguments about Democrats putting restrictions on there guns or taking there guns.


Hilary said this, Hillary said that.


I hear nothing about how the Republican party is literally about to disintegrate, leading to a Political Scenario / Election year this country has never seen, nor fathomed.


I just wish you guys were saying more things like "holy fuck, we might need to bear arms when all of this is over" it would make me, along with the founding fathers, feel a whole lot better.

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At this point IMO the most likely people to run the Executive branch next year will be Ted Cruz and Kasich as VP. Trump doesn't have enough support within the party and his momentum has an expiration date IMO. Cruz will ignite the evangelical base late in the race and has the conservative chops to earn the support of the GOP, even though he's definitely not their preferred candidate (Rubio is but he got sucked into Trump's vortex of fuckery by responding to it too much). What Cruz doesn't have is the fiscal background that Kasich has, and if he's learned from the mistakes of his predecessors, he won't land a bombastic running mate, he'll land one that gives him credibility and will be happy to stay in the shadows only to pop his head out to take a shit all over Hilldawg's fiscal ideas when called upon.


The biggest danger that Trump poses is that IF he wins the GOP nom by some miracle, he's made it clear he has no qualms about dragging opponents through the mud. He'll shit all over Hillary in personal attacks and give no fucks about her response. he could win the election purely by slinging enough mud to make Hillary slightly more unelectable than he is.


FWIW I'm a raging moderate and this is the first election I've seriously considered voting outside of either party because all candidates aside from Kasich are just so utterly retarded and incapable of leading a nation.


Better than any of the fucking total bullshit I've seen vomited by the "experts" at the rags like Huffington/Fox/MSNBC/CNN/Comedy Central put together.


I keep telling people this is like the movie The Election, but worse because its real life and the people playing the roles more stupid.


Nobody is going to win this cycle, we are all fucked.

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The biggest danger that Trump poses is that IF he wins the GOP nom by some miracle, he's made it clear he has no qualms about dragging opponents through the mud. He'll shit all over Hillary in personal attacks and give no fucks about her response. he could win the election purely by slinging enough mud to make Hillary slightly more unelectable than he is.


And don't think for a split second he wont take the 2A issue to the MAX in order to get every last vote.


And about the GOP Nomination, the only Miracle now is that he somehow DOESN'T get it. Republicans are jumping ship left and right. Shit could go seriously South after the Convention, especially if they (Republicans, his own Party) block Trump from getting the Nomination.

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Mickey Mouse could get elected and the country would go on, it doesn't matter who is in that office, that person doesn't run shit, money does. No fucks given if Trump or Hillary get elected. Nothing will change. I've decided I'm just not voting, it means nothing.
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Has anyone in this thread said anything about a president taking our guns away other than you? You created a thread with a hypothetical scenario that a dem might restrict our gun access and then start bashing everyone who says they are pro second amendment.


I hope nobody on this board votes for someone based only on their gun control stance. Although that's an issue worth discussing, it's not the most important issue. Really not even close at this point.

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Mickey Mouse could get elected and the country would go on, it doesn't matter who is in that office, that person doesn't run shit, money does. No fucks given if Trump or Hillary get elected. Nothing will change. I've decided I'm just not voting, it means nothing.


This is the correct answer.

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Mickey Mouse could get elected and the country would go on, it doesn't matter who is in that office, that person doesn't run shit, money does. No fucks given if Trump or Hillary get elected. Nothing will change. I've decided I'm just not voting, it means nothing.


So the Republicans deny the will of the people and Nominate someone other then Donald Trump. Donald Trump goes ape shit crazy and starts ripping apart the Entire political process. Yeah, nothing changes.


Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination, Republicans themselves jump ship from the party in droves, denouncing their leader en-mass. Yeah, nothing changes.


Donald Trump somehow wins the Presidency, despite both parties overwhelming objections. Yeah, nothing changes.


No matter how you slice it American Politics will never be the same after this Election year. Question is just how bad things could get. Nobody know's, we've never been here before.

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I do forsee another assault weapons ban in the future, get yours now while you can if you want one.


You guys want to worry about your bans worry about your bans. Bitch all you want about the possibility someone is going to enact a law to restrict you from getting them.


Just don't forget the fact that someday you may need those guns to fight off something much worse then proposed legislation.

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You guys want to worry about your bans worry about your bans. Bitch all you want about the possibility someone is going to enact a law to restrict you from getting them.


Just don't forget the fact that someday you may need those guns to fight off something much worse then proposed legislation.


Dude, fucking relax, an assault weapons ban is a ban on selling the fucking gun, that is it, period, the last assault weapons ban people kept theirs and they collected dust or you took it out and shot it and felt cool because you had one. Nobody is coming to take them away. I'm not worried about shit. I have weapons, and no I'm not gonna need them anytime soon. I'm not "bitching" I don't care whether there is one or not. I have the weapons I want, a ban will not change anything for me. Not a single fuck given.

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So the Republicans deny the will of the people and Nominate someone other then Donald Trump. Donald Trump goes ape shit crazy and starts ripping apart the Entire political process. Yeah, nothing changes.


Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination, Republicans themselves jump ship from the party in droves, denouncing their leader en-mass. Yeah, nothing changes.


Donald Trump somehow wins the Presidency, despite both parties overwhelming objections. Yeah, nothing changes.


No matter how you slice it American Politics will never be the same after this Election year. Question is just how bad things could get. Nobody know's, we've never been here before.


Not gonna worry about anything I can't control, waiting to see where the chips fall and then play the game as best I can for myself and family. Personally I like what is happening to the GOP, very entertaining to see some of these folks finally realize what they look and sound like to the rest of the public. Ha Ha.

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