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Calling All Gun Guys


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Dude, fucking relax, an assault weapons ban is a ban on selling the fucking gun, that is it, period, the last assault weapons ban people kept theirs and they collected dust or you took it out and shot it and felt cool because you had one. Nobody is coming to take them away. I'm not worried about shit. I have weapons, and no I'm not gonna need them anytime soon. I'm not "bitching" I don't care whether there is one or not. I have the weapons I want, a ban will not change anything for me. Not a single fuck given.


My last comment had absolutely nothing to do with a Gun Ban nor it's potential outcomes, Yet thats the first thing that pops into your mind whenever anyone talks about guns and/or a gun ban. Im not surprised.


Does anyone on here actually own a gun because they want to protect there personal freedoms in the event of a outright Governmental collapse?

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My last comment had absolutely nothing to do with a Gun Ban nor it's potential outcomes, Yet thats the first thing that pops into your mind whenever anyone talks about guns and/or a gun ban. Im not surprised.


Does anyone on here actually own a gun because they want to protect there personal freedoms in the event of a outright Governmental collapse?






Are you off your meds?

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Sadly, no.


"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Some Old Guys - July 4, 1776


Amendment II


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

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So just anybody can buy a fully automatic weapon? Hmmm interesting. I thought you had to have something like a class 3 weapons license or something. You may trust the government, but I don't. I worked for them for 4 years, too.


It's a little more difficult than walking into vances and buying one... But yeah, we can have them (in Ohio, but not every state) so long as they are "old enough".


No license required, just paperwork.

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Just for the record, I don't own a gun, I don't want to overthrow the Government. I've always took the 2A to mean something much more then just personal gun rights. Call me crazy.


Based on your conversation here, I see the need for better background checks as I don't think you should be able to purchase a firearm. Seek help please.

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Based on your conversation here, I see the need for better background checks as I don't think you should be able to purchase a firearm. Seek help please.







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So, we have exposed the root of the issue. He watches/listens to every celeb/mainstream news media about the Trump hysteria and came here attempting to validate that fear. Instead, everyone with a fully functioning brain is looking around like "what the fuck is this guy thinking?"


OP desperately wants everyone to worry about The Don, but no one does because honestly it's not going to change no matter what left news will tell you. Every republican on that debate stage said with their own "horse mouth" they would support The Don if he were the nominee....


Again, dude, refuckinglax. No one is this worked up about this. If you yell louder, it won't make it any more true. I promise.

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So, we have exposed the root of the issue. He watches/listens to every celeb/mainstream news media about the Trump hysteria and came here attempting to validate that fear. Instead, everyone with a fully functioning brain is looking around like "what the fuck is this guy thinking?"


OP desperately wants everyone to worry about The Don, but no one does because honestly it's not going to change no matter what left news will tell you. Every republican on that debate stage said with their own "horse mouth" they would support The Don if he were the nominee....


Again, dude, refuckinglax. No one is this worked up about this. If you yell louder, it won't make it any more true. I promise.


Should I call the ambulance or is he past saving?


Insert gta wasted gif here

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So, we have exposed the root of the issue. He watches/listens to every celeb/mainstream news media about the Trump hysteria and came here attempting to validate that fear. Instead, everyone with a fully functioning brain is looking around like "what the fuck is this guy thinking?"


OP desperately wants everyone to worry about The Don, but no one does because honestly it's not going to change no matter what left news will tell you. Every republican on that debate stage said with their own "horse mouth" they would support The Don if he were the nominee....


Again, dude, refuckinglax. No one is this worked up about this. If you yell louder, it won't make it any more true. I promise.


I don't even pay attention to the Media.


I desperately want everyone to worry about the fact every last gun owner out there is seemingly obsessed with the last four words of the Second Amendment and only the last four words of the Second Amendment.


Do I believe any of what I said has a real chance at starting a war? No. Do I think it's going to cause some controversy? yes.


Do I believe 75% of gun owners have the potential to be easily (and I mean easily) Manipulated based on their knee-jerk reactions to Gun Control? Absolutely.

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