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Calling All Gun Guys


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Let's say we start a militia, and the shit hits the fan, the minute you fire on law enforcement or Military you will be labeled a "domestic terrorist" and will be forced to gorilla warfare when they roll tanks and armored vehicles down streets and the small arms fire is of no use. Now you use IEDs, sound familiar? Militias were a formidable force in the 1700s, a few out of shape men, with small arms vs the US Military or even Militarized Law Enforcement these days, really?
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Let's say we start a militia, and the shit hits the fan, the minute you fire on law enforcement or Military you will be labeled a "domestic terrorist" and will be forced to gorilla warfare when they roll tanks and armored vehicles down streets and the small arms fire is of no use. Now you use IEDs, sound familiar? Militias were a formidable force in the 1700s, a few out of shape men, with small arms vs the US Military or even Militarized Law Enforcement these days, really?


I mean... Declaration of Independence?


"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Some Old Guys - July 4, 1776


Don't get me wrong... A few fat guys with guns vs. the military would be a complete joke, almost would make for a good/bad movie plot. Anyways, by definition it is technically the people's job to maintain their own government and make sure its government is doing their job... in a democracy. The United States (by definition) is a "Fictional Oligarchy" in today's world. Sad, but true.


No one is going to take away our guns... You can rest easy acklac7 :)

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