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Another Newb


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Hey guys and gals.

I've been riding about 30 years(yeah ole man) First street bike in 1976 was a 73 yamaha 650 twin, then a 78 kaw Z1R, XS 100 Yamaha,Suz. GS100,Honda V65 Magna. Was out of a bike for a short while the went with friends to bike week in Myrtle and realized I needed something bigger. A friend of mine was VP at Honda in Marysville and plant manager and got me hooked on the wing.Once ya let out the clutch it's like a big sport bike,well sort of.I luv my tunes loud and being able to carry gear is a real plus. So 4 Polk audio speaks and 3 cases to cram full and I'm set.

Alot of ya talk about Killboy and the Dragon. I've been down a few times and you should check out a guy called Yellow Wolf. He rides, but what else a Yellow wing and man he can ride the wheels of that thing,plus embarrass more than a few "crotch" rockets. There is a video on putfile with him riding the dragon with Fuse and it is awesome.

I now ride with Leave A Mark:dirtbike: which is the most awesome motorcycle ministry. Check out the website and if ya can come out this w/e for our 10th annual Biker Sunday.....................John (SATCHMO) Such

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