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N/A 2jz $250


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I'm at a point that I'm so tied up with projects on the house, work, and training for tournaments that it's time to down size on items that I won't touch in the next year at best. I'm even considering getting rid of the 81 corolla shell purchased last summer, but still up in the air since I don't want things to rot away from not being used while wanting to not give up hope. More on the item:


- N/A 2j ($250): bought it off craigslist and the only thing missing is one rod cap since I wanted to compare it to the 7m rod before moving (no idea where it's at). The engine spins fine, cylinders are in good shape, the cylinder head is in good shape, and the head gasket was fine when I pulled the head off.


I do have a hoist so I can load it for pick up at my place and I promise I won't be naked. The engine would be a perfect back up block/head to build for those who already have a combination in place wanting to take the next step and not have their car down for a full rebuild. Yes I know the head is off the block, but one can get a realistic look at what they are looking to buy without having to roll the dice.

Edited by 10phone2
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